A slug upgrade option on the Stakeout Firewall

Dear community,

I want to suggest the M37 Stakeout Firewall to receive a option to be up-gradable to a slug. It's one of the nicest skins in game in my opinion and considering it's simply not on par with the shotguns that have been released lately I find it suitable for a upgrade.

The upgrade option shouldn't come too cheap, considering a good amount of players might already own the Stakeout Firewall. I'd say 20k ZP would be fair, considering you can get a SPAS Slug for 30k ZP in the Mercenary Pass this month.

For those generally not a fan of the slug, I do understand you might not like this suggestion, but considering how easy it is to get a slug these days implementing this suggestion wouldn't cause much of a difference in gameplay.

For those wondering why I chose the Firewall specifically? It would probably be more easy to change in game files and the SPAS slug has received more reskins than the Stakeout till now.
