Disabling ZP weapon drop in match

I heard that CFPH did this cuz newer players just concentrated only on picking cool looking weapons like flowers from the ground and they didn't pay attention to the game itself. So i would suggest disabling ZP weapons dropping like VIPs.


  • And when you win a Gun that was never in the Game before and you win it as one of the First players, you will get by your own Team Blocked whole Time (they block you until you die and they can pick it up) or getting overrushed from over half enemy team, as they all want to get it to test it. I made such an suggestion before but it never got any Attention, even when it would be just a simple Zp item you can buyfor 10k zp that would disable it, but you could turn it on or off at your own.

    Thats why i went for Vip or Noble/Prime Guns that dont get dropped and i could play (mostly) in peace, it would be neat when they would at least change it that instead of a gun there would be an ammo package with 1 Clip would get dropped or nothing, that would prevend that spray all out play method, and the players would really need to be careful and use then pistols more again too if they spray to much
  • Just what Quake444 said.
    A lot of people already block you for the gun, they still do it for VIPs - this would probably just intensify it.
    I've also seen enough player try to pick up VIP guns when someone dies, so I am not sure if it would actually help..