Auto Clicker software allowed?

Before I get myself banned for using auto clickers, can anyone tell me if they are allowed in Crossfire? If yes, let me know which one to use. I have OP autoclicker that I use generally for other games.


  • I dont why the word changed to asterisk.. i want to know about a u t o c l i c k e r s
  • Any "auto click..." can be a type of script or macro. And the scripts/macros aren't allowed in CrossFire West. That means its use is illegal.

    All scripts or macros that automatically do things for you are prohibited. Please note, taking part/benefit from that sort of thing can be interpreted as a third-party program.

    "China walk" is allowed without scripts.

    If you want to farm, can do it, there's no problem with that. However, farming isn't allowed if you use bots or any other 3rd party programs. Remember: any programs helping are considered 3rd party tools in CFWest

    By Kanadian:

    First party: Us/CrossFire/The Game
    Second Party: You
    Third-Party: Literally any other program
    Fourth Party: Birthday Party, Happy Birthday!!!

    ​​​​​Basically, if the third party affects or interferes with the first party in any way, you will be banned.
  • Only the game is full of bots :D out of 10 players in D Rooftops hmx map are sure bots: D No interference with them?
  • It's technically not allowed but the GMs haven't cared about auto click/auto ready/auto start in the last 5+ years

    Europe hmx rooms are half filled with afk bot scripts over night

    Check the daily EXP weekly/monthly the top 100 are all bots farming EXP 24/7 and it's been like this for years
  • [QUOTE=[MOD]ShadowRo;n6935721]NO ! you are not allowed to use any 3rd party of anything ! ( that means anything else outside the game to be clear ).

    Account will be permanently blocked.

    Carefully read game terms and rules:


    aight, got it! thanks mate.
  • Any "auto click..." can be a type of script or macro. And the scripts/macros aren't allowed in CrossFire West. That means its use is illegal.

    All scripts or macros that automatically do things for you are prohibited. Please note, taking part/benefit from that sort of thing can be interpreted as a third-party program.

    "China walk" is allowed without scripts.

    If you want to farm, can do it, there's no problem with that. However, farming isn't allowed if you use bots or any other 3rd party programs. Remember: any programs helping are considered 3rd party tools in CFWest

    By Kanadian:

    talking of china walk.. I tried that out a lot of times but every single time I was able to clearly hear the footsteps. I am clicking following left > right > forward as rapidly as I can.. Any tips for that?
  • gamegeekz wrote: »

    talking of china walk.. I tried that out a lot of times but every single time I was able to clearly hear the footsteps. I am clicking following left > right > forward as rapidly as I can.. Any tips for that?

    It's a good idea to watch videos on YouTube about that. A photo or video is worth a thousand words.

    Basically > you tap (W) or (S) while holding (A) or (D). That's the China Walk.

    It's mainly about sending spam to the left/right keys, and then you have to end up tapping slightly forward. It's like alternating left/right and forward.

    Please note: just hold your left/right/back, then tap forward rapidly, not so fast but just keep tapping
  • [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"434","width":"572","src":"https:\/\/\/capture.jpg"}[/IMG2]
    Image source: text link removed

    Guys, as you suggested a.u.t.o.c.l.i.c.k.e.r.s are not allowed, so I tried very hard and practiced fast clicking for a few weeks. The above screenshot is my highest score to date... Although the test says I am a Superman (LOL :p ) but do you guys think it is enough? :rolleyes: