Downgrading upgradable guns

I upgraded Ak-47 Mark1 to LVL 2 and really regret it. Is there any way to get the normal version without making a new account? If there's not, then it would be nice to be able to Downgrade it, or at least get another one after you upgrade it to the max level. Apparently it plays differently and is better for tapping than the regular ak-47 and upgraded mk1 and as far as i know many people regret the upgrade.

Think getting a new fresh gun after upgrading it to the max would be the best solution.

Thanks for reading.


  • AK47 Mark 1 in my experience is not great as spraying, tapping, and stats compare to the AK47 CFS! The stats on mark 1 negatively even not better than regular one, so believe me or not my suggest for you is nothing to regret and move on. May be stock up some millions GPs to get CFS one this later end year would be incredible!
    If you wanna try Mark 1 just create a new clone account like I do, and you will see it is not a great gun like you think!!!

    I still waiting for the CFS packages coming up in October this year, and I am not gonna missed this opportunity anymore to got some triple years on CFS weapons!

    In-game: 09-26-1994
  • Thank you for the heads up! I will definitely save up for the CFS AK. Still the idea to get a fresh weapon after maxing it out is good imo and wouldn't be hard to implement? Peace <3
  • I like the idea of being a able to buy multiple versions of the Royal Guard AK. Only problem with that would be that all of them would have EXP advantages. If a player would only get EXP advantages on the first AK Royal Guard he or she buys I guess it could work.
  • I like the suggestion for either buy multiple times the weapon or an option to downgrade it, this would be awesome!