New "unable to join" system

(I have to said sorry to my english readers, my english is so bad so i have to google trad my speech)
This is the first time i posted here, in 9 years....
There is something that annoys hero mode players, it is the cheaters who use hacks that get them under the map or worse, crash the entire room. I noticed that these hackers are of a lower rank like trainee 1 - Master Sergent 6.
Room creators should have the ability to choose the minimum rank of players allowed to enter the room (minimum Second Lieutnant 1) in the option bar.
We are tired of playing against cheaters in every room (crossfire had genius idea to remove the kick voting system and have a miserable anti-cheat system that is easy to bypass) this mode is no longer fun to play...
recently there is a clan of cheaters who have fun entering rooms and crashing them (clan name "IchWin") it becomes unbearable. So smilegate or GM's pay attention to my suggestion or/and create a decent anti-cheat system. what you guys thinking of that ?


  • +1 They could at-least try it and see if it works. If it does, they can make it permanent.

    As for cheaters, always report them. It might seem like reporting doesn't work, but at least a part of the cheaters get banned this way. It takes almost no time to do it either, so there is nothing to lose by reporting.
    JackPain (Sweden)