New Rankedsystem for Knive


I play Knive ranked since it was released but the Ranksystem is trash because in most of the games it doesn't care who play good it´s just who have the bad mates.
In most of the games you have to solo carry and if you got these mates who permanently die(and you get them way too often)then you fcked up cause you can´t win.
And you get these guys in all divisions.
Also its kinda dumb if people with negative Winrate are in the top 100.(there should be the best players and not that who simply plays more)

So my Suggestion is that Knive Ranked should be Elimination Mode or S&D so you are not too much dependent from your mates.
Or that a good solo perfomance(based on K/D) gives you Ranked points even if you lose

So thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english xd