Lost Account

Hi guys, i have a question. About a year ago my so called 'best friend' wanted to play on my account for a cup. I know sharing account is against the rules so i gave my my laptop. Logged in before even giving him my laptop. After he was done, i tried logging in to my account and i saw that my password was changed. When trying to recover it, i saw the email was changed as well. I didnt understand how this was possible. But i had my password saved for every site i use on my laptop. So when he had access to my laptop it wasnt hard changing the info. I contacted him as soon as i saw that. I still have the conversation of him admitting to stealing my account. I sent a ton of tickets trying to recover my account. I didnt get any help. Even provided then with extra information, billing information etc. This happened on CFWest. I was asked for my security question etc, i gave answer but i think my security questions and answers were different from on CFEU. Anyways, i provided them with both, account creation date etc. Still no help. I explained it, even told them i could litteraly show them the conversation including date time and proof. Is there anyone who can help? After thefirst ticket, they were ignoring a lot of my tickets. Till this day i still have no answer on at least 9 of my tickets. Im also pretty sure ive sent at least 10.
If theres anyone who can help me contact devs, admin or anyone who can help resolve this problem, please help me. I have spent a lot of money on this game and it would really be sad if i wasseriously going to lose it for being nice to somebody i thought was my best friend.