Mercenary Pass (An idea to improve it)

So I saw that you guys released the mercenary pass and in my opinion, it isn't one of the greatest. You only receive 2 permanent weapons which is also not good. If I spend 30k ZP for this pass and I have to play for a month to level it up, I think that I should receive more from it. I understand that there are also crates, but from 1000 people that will open them, there is gonna be only 5 who will win something, and it comes out that the rest just spent 30k ZP and didn't get anything except those 2 permanent weapons.

My Idea of Improvement:
1) I would add more permanent items, weapons, etc. in the Mercenary Pass because this will attract more attention to it and a lot more people will be willing to buy it. Nobody wants to spend a lot of ZP on something and just get items that last 7 days.
2) I would make the Mercenary Pass cost around 50k ZP, but in return, you get 55-60k ZP total, so at least we can spend them on something or those who don't have the opportunity to always spend their own money on games, so they can keep the ZP, and buy the next season's Mercenary Pass as well.
3 I would make the Mercenary Pass last around 2 months so that we won't get those big rewards that often.
4) I would make the Mercenary Pass have 100 levels, but leveling it up should not be very easy. So for example it would not be interesting if you get all 100 levels in a week, because people will just play until they get to level 100 and then go offline until the next season. The Mercenary Pass should be designed to make people actually play the game in order to receive the goods.
5) When you get to level 100 in the Mercenary Pass, you should receive a good reward, but instead, at the moment you only receive 1 crate. There are 5 to 10 crates throughout the Mercenary Pass, but what happens at the end? just 1 crate? People want something good at the end that pays off their effort.
** I understand that maybe these ideas are similar to other games, but in my opinion, much more people will buy the Mercenary Pass if it provides a lot of good things and not just weapons/items/consumables for 3 or 7 days. **

Ideas to fix some things at the moment:
1) Exclusive IGN and Chat Color - It is hard to tell by clicking TAB if the person is dead or not. Maybe in-game, only their name and chat should be colored in red, but the kills, deaths, etc. should be normal.
2) Room Sorting - Mercenary Pass room sorting is not a good idea because it defeats the purpose of sorting rooms by mode or by anything else. You can't even search rooms by mode anymore, because half of the rooms are sorted by the Mercenary Pass.

Thank You and hopefully, you will take this into consideration.


  • Now that they're seemingly able to let us keep exp/gp earned even if we leave mid game, they should make it so that at least everyone keeps it when kicked. That would lower the frustration of getting kicked and make it way less of a problem, plus I doubt that actual cheaters care that much about exp and gp.
    And yeah the room sorting is horrible, why would they do that? If they wanna rub it in our faces, make those rooms be up top by default, but once I sort them by mode or number, make the rooms sort properly.
  • honestly i feel the merc pass is fine as is. It's priced fairly nicely considering what you can get for it and all. 30k ZP to which you can get 10k back and yet you get 2 permanent weapons (sure one is pretty basic looking) but also a ton of crates and stuff. it's pretty nice really. it's like an advanced version of monthly mix up.

    Also for that last level of the current season pass. if you read the FAQ to it and take note of one of the graphics on forum thread it....that one the reward for every level past 60. So at 61 you'll get that'll get that crate....and so on. It's not practical to buy those levels because each level costs 2.5k to buy (not even sure if you can continue buying once past 60 anyways) but with the limited amount of missions there's probably a limited amount of those crates you can get as well. I play another game with a season pass that does something goes up to 100 but every like 5 level intervals you get a special 'crate'.

    I can agree with the room sorting needing fixed.

    and the Red color would be nice if we could choose a color or disable it if we wanted. sure we can cover the IGN with a IGN Color Change and I assume the text....but why the rest has to be red too?
  • In my opinion theres only one thing that need to be improved about mercenary pass, but very important: we need to be able to see our missions and levels in-game, is frustrating that u need to close game , go on website check ur missions, open game , trying to complete, close game again to check, ups maybe not updated yet, closed game for nothing, and again and again.Thank u.
  • Well [USER="10913166"]Ixith[/USER] and [USER="3229164"]winnnetou[/USER] already said what I also think.
    JackPain (Sweden)