Allowing Kick Vote in Mutation Modes

Kick Vote should be allowed again in Mutation Modes so that players are not POWERLESS against hackers.

The removal of kick vote from this mode was a decision caused by past abuse of power by some players who kicked innocent players. However, this has now resulted in Mutation Modes games being specifically targeted by hackers since legitimate players have no power against them, which is far worse than the original problem.

While I understand we are able to report hackers, this does not result in any immediate action or consequences since it takes hours or even days for them to be removed. During this time, they are able to play many games and ruin the experience for other players. In the current state of the game, you are forced to play with them if you want to play any type of Mutation Mode.

As of right now, a player would have to wait for the game to end so that the host can kick them. This is inefficient considering that you would be forced to endure playing with a hacker. Also, it is ineffective since it is easy for the hackers to leave before the host kicks them and rejoin once the game has started.

The only other option that players have is to leave the game and join another Mutation Mode game. However, there is likely more hackers in that room since there is no risk or fear of immediate action against them. It is also easy for the hacker from the original room to follow you into this room.

Hackers are prepared to get banned and have many low-ranked accounts at their disposal that they can use when one of their accounts gets banned and continue to target Mutation Mode games. I recognize that it is impossible to get rid of all the hackers but it is important to bring power back to the players. Otherwise, Mutation Mode is not playable considering it only takes 1 hacker to ruin the experience.

Re-implementing kick vote in Mutation Modes will allow players to take immediate action against hackers. It is a simple fix that will also make the mode less of a target for hackers since they can easily and quickly removed. Although kick vote is not a perfect system and there is potential for abuse, it is better than the current state of affairs considering Mutation Mode is no longer playable. It will give players the opportunity to have a voice and to take swift action against these hackers.

Please allow players to use the Kick Vote function in Mutation Mode.


A Frustrated Mutation Mode Player


  • I'm going to have to say no. As much as I hate hackers, being kicked for no reason is far more frustrating to me. Kick Vote abuse has been a big problem in this game in the past. Most of the playerbase has high ping so it looks like everyone is hacking to them. If I had a nickel for every time I was wrongfully accused of hacking, I'd be rich. I'd rather be able to finish a game than get kicked every time I get one lucky round in HMX.
  • As every time this suggestion has come up, I have said that I hate the suggestion. This time is no different. If you ask me, the way kick-voting was implemented from the beginning and still is, is one of the worst things that happened to the game. I am very happy that they took that power away from players, in the modes that they did.

    The truth is, that 90% of the player base are simply too immature, arrogant and/or stupid to be allowed that power. Playing for 30-40 min and getting kicked because some idiot you don't even know, starts a kickvote without any cause (which did happen all the time), except you do better (or worse) than he/she.
    Like i said the last time: "If there were anyway to report and punish the ones that kick without a valid cause (Not only the one who start it, but everyone who press yes), I would be for it". As I believe that will never happen, I'll never support the kick-vote system and hope it all goes away. That it have existed for so long without anything better replacing it, is baffling.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • xkennyPLx wrote: »
    I'm going to have to say no. As much as I hate hackers, being kicked for no reason is far more frustrating to me. Kick Vote abuse has been a big problem in this game in the past. Most of the playerbase has high ping so it looks like everyone is hacking to them. If I had a nickel for every time I was wrongfully accused of hacking, I'd be rich. I'd rather be able to finish a game than get kicked every time I get one lucky round in HMX.

    If you have played a game of any type of Mutation Mode in the North American Server, you will see that there is usually a hacker in these rooms. So how would you suggest that Mutation Mode players combat this? It is far more frustrating to be unable to play Mutation Mode at all since hackers use a combination of hacks including speed, flying and aimbot, which complete annihilate all players in Mutation Mode rooms. These hackers continuously target the very few Mutation Mode rooms that there are in the North American Server and it is impossible to get rid of them in the current state of the game with the lack of the Kick Vote feature. For the most part, the same hackers, even after being reported, will not get banned until hours or days later. Even if they get banned, they will easily be able to make a new account and resume ruining Mutation Mode rooms. It is actually untrue that you are able to even finish a game considering hackers usually crash rooms before the end of the game anyway.

    The lack of the Kick Vote feature is actually encouraging them to specifically target Mutation Mode games. While the Kick Vote system is imperfect, it is far better than the current state of the game where players can not even play these modes without being forced to play against hackers since we have no power against them. This is especially true for larger modes such as Mass Mutation Mode and Mutant Escape modes since the large amounts of players needed to play them are attracting hackers and players are unable to remove them even after the game is finished since they will quickly leave and rejoin once the game has started. Another useful feature would be to allow the host to block certain players from entering the room even if they've left the room.

    It is frustrating to see the same 1 hacker ruin multiple games of Mutation Mode and there is nothing you can do about it besides not play that mode anymore or hope they won't follow you into another room. This is far more frustrating and detrimental to the game than the small risk of being kicked by other players. This small risk could even be avoided by restricting the initiation of kick votes to players above a certain rank or play experience. Even without this restriction, it is still a better alternative and I would encourage you to try out Mutation Mode games in North America Server and see for yourself which you would actually prefer to have.
  • Painanator wrote: »
    As every time this suggestion has come up, I have said that I hate the suggestion. This time is no different. If you ask me, the way kick-voting was implemented from the beginning and still is, is one of the worst things that happened to the game. I am very happy that they took that power away from players, in the modes that they did.

    The truth is, that 90% of the player base are simply too immature, arrogant and/or stupid to be allowed that power. Playing for 30-40 min and getting kicked because some idiot you don't even know, starts a kickvote without any cause (which did happen all the time), except you do better (or worse) than he/she.
    Like i said the last time: "If there were anyway to report and punish the ones that kick without a valid cause (Not only the one who start it, but everyone who press yes), I would be for it". As I believe that will never happen, I'll never support the kick-vote system and hope it all goes away. That it have existed for so long without anything better replacing it, is baffling.

    Trust me, you would not want to be playing for 30-40 mins and having a hacker join the game or crash the game either. It would be equally as bad to have to play with a hacker for those 30-40 minutes and having no power to fight back against them. In the current state of the game, your only options are to stay and be completely annihilated by the hacker or to leave the room and join another one. With the low size of the server and the high prevalence of hackers, there are not many other games of Mutation Mode happening simultaneously and it is likely that the new room will also contain a hacker and you are back again with no options to play this mode. It is also easy for the hacker from the original room to join the new one since no immediate action can be taken against them, and you are left in the same predicament as earlier. You can't even prevent them from entering the room unless you put a password on it or the host is quick enough to kick them after the game finishes (very unlikely since they leave immediately).

    So what are legitimate players supposed to do? What is the alternative? Even by reporting, these same hackers do not immediately get banned and even when they eventually do get banned, they can easily make new accounts and target these rooms since there are no immediate consequences for them in Mutation Modes. Game modes such as Search and Destroy do not suffer as much from this issue since they still have the Kick Vote feature, which discourages hackers from playing these modes since they are promptly kicked out when they use these extreme hacks.

    While I agree the Kick Vote system is flawed and the developers should implement something better, having this feature would be far better than having absolutely no power in Mutation Mode at all. The risk for power abuse is far less common than these exaggerated claims make it out to be, and it is far less frustrating than being completely powerless and unable to play Mutation Mode. I would encourage players who get frequently get kicked to play against higher leveled players. As mentioned in another comment, they could even implement rank restrictions on initiating votes to further avoid kick abuse.

    I would encourage you to try playing Mutation Mode game in the North America Server and seeing the high prevalence of hackers for yourself and to see if you would still like to not be able to do anything about it. It is important to bring back power to the players by re-implementing the kick vote feature.

  • If you have played a game of any type of Mutation Mode in the North American Server, you will see that there is usually a hacker in these rooms. So how would you suggest that Mutation Mode players combat this? It is far more frustrating to be unable to play Mutation Mode at all since hackers use a combination of hacks including speed, flying and aimbot, which complete annihilate all players in Mutation Mode rooms. These hackers continuously target the very few Mutation Mode rooms that there are in the North American Server and it is impossible to get rid of them in the current state of the game with the lack of the Kick Vote feature. For the most part, the same hackers, even after being reported, will not get banned until hours or days later. Even if they get banned, they will easily be able to make a new account and resume ruining Mutation Mode rooms. It is actually untrue that you are able to even finish a game considering hackers usually crash rooms before the end of the game anyway.

    The lack of the Kick Vote feature is actually encouraging them to specifically target Mutation Mode games. While the Kick Vote system is imperfect, it is far better than the current state of the game where players can not even play these modes without being forced to play against hackers since we have no power against them. This is especially true for larger modes such as Mass Mutation Mode and Mutant Escape modes since the large amounts of players needed to play them are attracting hackers and players are unable to remove them even after the game is finished since they will quickly leave and rejoin once the game has started. Another useful feature would be to allow the host to block certain players from entering the room even if they've left the room.

    It is frustrating to see the same 1 hacker ruin multiple games of Mutation Mode and there is nothing you can do about it besides not play that mode anymore or hope they won't follow you into another room. This is far more frustrating and detrimental to the game than the small risk of being kicked by other players. This small risk could even be avoided by restricting the initiation of kick votes to players above a certain rank or play experience. Even without this restriction, it is still a better alternative and I would encourage you to try out Mutation Mode games in North America Server and see for yourself which you would actually prefer to have.

    As someone who's played this game for about a decade, I can tell you that the current vote kick system has and will be abused if it's re-enabled. It's not a rare occurrence. Unless they introduce some accountability in its use, nothing will change. The only way I'll support it is if there's a way to punish people that initiate votes without reason. Raising rank requirements isn't enough. I've met plenty of immature high ranking players over the years.

    Another useful feature would be to allow the host to block certain players from entering the room even if they've left the room.

    I've posted a suggestion thread about this in the past. Like most suggestions, it got ignored, but this would definitely be a positive change.
  • I don't think kick vote will help right now, only do harm. There is now cheats that crashes the game and recently there is a new cheat that just ends the game without crashing. If you kick vote these players they will just end the game or crash it. Also having the kick vote I think it would be abused by other players kicking players with the vip gatling gun or someone is with tmp with 6 vips thomsons. MM it's just for fun, if you see any hacker just report him, he will get banned with a few days.

  • Trust me, you would not want to be playing for 30-40 mins and having a hacker join the game or crash the game either. It would be equally as bad to have to play with a hacker for those 30-40 minutes and having no power to fight back against them. In the current state of the game, your only options are to stay and be completely annihilated by the hacker or to leave the room and join another one. With the low size of the server and the high prevalence of hackers, there are not many other games of Mutation Mode happening simultaneously and it is likely that the new room will also contain a hacker and you are back again with no options to play this mode. It is also easy for the hacker from the original room to join the new one since no immediate action can be taken against them, and you are left in the same predicament as earlier. You can't even prevent them from entering the room unless you put a password on it or the host is quick enough to kick them after the game finishes (very unlikely since they leave immediately).

    So what are legitimate players supposed to do? What is the alternative? Even by reporting, these same hackers do not immediately get banned and even when they eventually do get banned, they can easily make new accounts and target these rooms since there are no immediate consequences for them in Mutation Modes. Game modes such as Search and Destroy do not suffer as much from this issue since they still have the Kick Vote feature, which discourages hackers from playing these modes since they are promptly kicked out when they use these extreme hacks.

    While I agree the Kick Vote system is flawed and the developers should implement something better, having this feature would be far better than having absolutely no power in Mutation Mode at all. The risk for power abuse is far less common than these exaggerated claims make it out to be, and it is far less frustrating than being completely powerless and unable to play Mutation Mode. I would encourage players who get frequently get kicked to play against higher leveled players. As mentioned in another comment, they could even implement rank restrictions on initiating votes to further avoid kick abuse.

    I would encourage you to try playing Mutation Mode game in the North America Server and seeing the high prevalence of hackers for yourself and to see if you would still like to not be able to do anything about it. It is important to bring back power to the players by re-implementing the kick vote feature.

    Well I can't say anything about the NA server, as I play on EU. But I can say that I rather play with hackers in the room and get to finish a game (If they crash the game, it's another thing), than getting kicked.
    I can tell you, that I have experienced days where you got kicked 9/10 games (in different modes), often at the end. CF is a game, where more power to players = More chaos (That might actually be trough with most online gaming).

    When it comes to your comment about the recommendation for playing with higher-leveled players, I also have to disagree. XP rank means nothing in CF since many years back. Lows often do stupid stuff, which might get irritating, but when it comes to acting like A-Holes, higher leveled players are often worse. That is especially true when it comes to starting vote-kicks.

    So still a big NO.
    JackPain (Sweden)