Pretty Good Suggestion we are missing in CrossFire NA

Here is some Suggestions i hope that people will like that

1- we need to use our voices in game
its a good thing to speak with our team in game because its hard to chat in action, so if you add voice built in option that would be great thing and simple, better than using discord voice.

2- i i recommend you guys to make an Crossfire App on " Android - iPhone " and you can update events and we can track our progress there, and also to see our profile on CrossFire App, and you can add so much more for us.

3- TMP / SCORPION EVO Weapons, in CrossFire CHINA they have disabled them from Ranked, yes its something very good to disable those weapons, because when someone shot you with those weapons, you cant defend yourself or do anything, like you have paralysis, its true thing and i think you have passed that.
I hope that you will be happy seeing my suggestions. and thanks for reading.


  • (1) This topic was brought up before but without the support of the community

    (3) +1 i like
  • IGN_Galaxy wrote: »
    (1) This topic was brought up before but without the support of the community

    (3) +1 i like

    I hope that GMs give attention, and thanks for your support mate:)
  • Disagree about the voice in game, mostly because from my CS GO experience, there are so many toxic players who keep spamming the voice with useless stuff.

    Agreed 1000% about disabling TMP, Scorpion in ranked, these guns are ridiculous and should not be playable in ranked.
  • 1. - infinity . I am still against voice chat, like I have been any other time this has been suggested. If you want reason, use the search function and see all our earlier answers regarding this.
    2. Good Idea, but I doubt they will invest in it and if they do, i foresee a lot of problems, as they have trouble running the game without problems.
    3. I am just going to copy-paste my answer from the thread I wrote in just before this:
    "You have the arms-deal mode for that, that's why they made it. Still people kept playing in the regular ranked, because the majority preferred to play with those weapons.
    As long as there is problems with hit-reg (high-ping = King) weapons you can spray with is the way to go.
    I stopped playing ranked s&d, because the rewards are not worth it after you get the G3."
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • 1. no. cause alot of People will not talk in english. so u will hear permanent different languages and doint understand anything.

    2. why? just open the browser at ur phone and u can check what u want anytime.

    3. why only this weapons? VIP`s have the same big advantage compared to regular weapons….
  • Just download discord app and join our server, Here's the invitation link
    If it's about news, All what you've to do is following #announcement channel.
  • For the InGame Voice Chat i would be Striclty against it, simple reason i played on Eu Servers where a lot of Eastern players are, where dont even mind to try to learn some words in English and just spam in Arabic the Chat full, and i dont want when they dont even want to learn some basic words in English, i wont want them to be on my Ear whole time screaming in Arabic etc. arround, even i do write in english in the Game even its not my first language. When i meet some Players from my Country (Germany) im gonna Write with them in German in the Chat a bit because its a rarity to see Players from my Country that are at least Friendly
  • Quake444 wrote: »
    For the InGame Voice Chat i would be Striclty against it, simple reason i played on Eu Servers where a lot of Eastern players are, where dont even mind to try to learn some words in English and just spam in Arabic the Chat full, and i dont want when they dont even want to learn some basic words in English, i wont want them to be on my Ear whole time screaming in Arabic etc. arround, even i do write in english in the Game even its not my first language. When i meet some Players from my Country (Germany) im gonna Write with them in German in the Chat a bit because its a rarity to see Players from my Country that are at least Friendly

    Hey, there will be an option to disable the voise, and enable it whenever you want so you wont hear them screaming etcs, so you can use it when you have your teammates! also you can use the chat normal and can you discord too! i thank you for reading the Suggestions.:rolleyes:

  • Hey, there will be an option to disable the voise, and enable it whenever you want so you wont hear them screaming etcs, so you can use it when you have your teammates! also you can use the chat normal and can you discord too! i thank you for reading the Suggestions.:rolleyes:

    Yeah but to be Honest when you mean with your "Teammates" your Friends/Player where you know longer then you easily use Teamspeak or Discord, it will even be Provide better sound Quality then a InGame Voice Chat in CF, just look at the New Games released with InGame Voice Chats, you have just a few Options, and they often dont recognize really every Microphone right, o you have to Boost them and have then so much Baclgropund Noises that cant be eliminated in many InGame Voice Chats, only in Programms like Teamspeak/Discord etc.

    When we had a diffrent Community then i would be for it, but with this Community right now, nah sry that Community is just more Toxic then the World of Tanks Playerbase, and this has already something to say, Theres only 2 Points where Old Veterans of Crossfire agree everytime (at least what i see here in the forum) always agree together, 1St is that the Old Skins, like the Ak Gold etc, wont come back since all Veterans of Cf had to Cash in to get them, and dont want them to get just been giving away to everyone. 2nd That Cheater should be Perma Banned and get even Harder Punished like MAC Address ban or IP Ban, and after that 2 Points even the Veterans Split in diffrent Groups too.

    But its a long Road, and when the Company Z8Games is going that Path to be (Felt/seen of my expierience) Non Existing in this Game and even their own Forums, then you know something is wrong and the Game will not Survive 10 another years, when there are still bugs from 10 Years Ago in the Game and still they arent Patched.

    So in my Opinion when we had a Diffrent Community, anda provider that at least wanted to work with the Community then i would see so many Suggestions that would make sense.