So who Would like to take Part of a XP farming clan?
Well im guessing your here because of my title anyways im making a new XP farming clan ITS VERY SIMPLE im not gonna charge like everyone else does If you come here you get free XP But there would be 1 more thing you would need to do if you do want the free XP
ADD me on Discord zMreta#5522
The only thing you need to join This clan is to be able to speak English so we could communicate
if you dont have discord Add me on CF im always on CF NAME
Lets make this the next biggest XP farming clan.
ADD me on Discord zMreta#5522
The only thing you need to join This clan is to be able to speak English so we could communicate
if you dont have discord Add me on CF im always on CF NAME
Lets make this the next biggest XP farming clan.
IGN_Galaxy wrote: »What is useful in exp I don't think it has any form of fun
Do you want to challenge 100 Rank Exp without vip
so let's see you in 2040
I m agree with Galaxy , were is the fun ???...t o make farm ? no way .... Te really fun is when you have friend's with you , and make room's to play togather , sd , td , zm , wave , hero , what'ever .... and there is realy fun , when you are happy to have someone with you , no bot's and what use scamers and farmers. I make only 3M xp in 8 years of service , with 15v .... and i have fun every day -
Badname15554 wrote: »The real exp farming is on monaco bro
RANK 2 ALLTIME !!!!!!!!!! with 0,06 k/d hhhhhhhhhhh
RANK 3 ALLTIME !!!!!!!!!! with 0,79 k/d hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Jeah. this are Farmer ...... hahahhahaha -
Well im guessing your here because of my title anyways im making a new XP farming clan ITS VERY SIMPLE im not gonna charge like everyone else does If you come here you get free XP But there would be 1 more thing you would need to do if you do want the free XP
ADD me on Discord zMreta#5522
The only thing you need to join This clan is to be able to speak English so we could communicate
if you dont have discord Add me on CF im always on CF NAME is Brexit
Lets make this the next biggest XP farming clan.
You people's always ask "HEY DO YOU WANT 5 STARS FAST JUST PAID ME 100K ZP" what a joke also my account is 2 year old and I alredy 4 stars about to 5 stars i never farm i played ZM map lot.
That mean no need for that
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