Looking For Serious Clan

Yoyo, I've been playing FPS games since i was 12 (19 currently) and now after a long break from FPS games i've decided to come back to Crossfire, but taking it serious this time. I would say i'm "skilled" just abit rusty right now since i've been only playing League Of Legends (Masters on EUW server if you were wondering) So Crossfire is gonna be my main focus now. I also used to play CS GO (Global) I speak Swedish,English and i understand some german,

What I'm Looking For
I'm looking for a serious ACTIVE clan as it says in the title (EU) That plays on daily basis, practice together, and use voice chat. So if you're looking for a new recruit that takes this seriously hmu.

I'm mainly a rifle player, my sniping is decent but pref rifle. I play very aggressive and take i love to take risks, to simply put it i am a 50/50 player :p[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/forum.z8games.com\/core\/image\/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP\/\/\/wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="}[/IMG2]​

Contact Info
My discord is > Acon#1923
My IGN is > Szyzhia

Some YT Vids
[video=youtube_share;MNBD8w6u_x8]https://youtu.be/MNBD8w6u_x8[/video] HS ONLY
[video=youtube_share;lFUXzS-7U_s]https://youtu.be/lFUXzS-7U_s[/video] SNIPER FFA


  • Hey man i'm in your exact same situation, we should start a clan together. I already have some skilled friends who would join in an instant. Add me in game, username ~ Randinator
  • Tjena Acog, är det så att du har hittat något eller söker du fortfarande? Är lite i samma situation, så svara gärna hur det har gått för dig :D
  • acog wrote: »
    Yoyo, I've been playing FPS games since i was 12 (19 currently) and now after a long break from FPS games i've decided to come back to Crossfire, but taking it serious this time. I would say i'm "skilled" just abit rusty right now since i've been only playing League Of Legends (Masters on EUW server if you were wondering) So Crossfire is gonna be my main focus now. I also used to play CS GO (Global) I speak Swedish,English and i understand some german,

    What I'm Looking For
    I'm looking for a serious ACTIVE clan as it says in the title (EU) That plays on daily basis, practice together, and use voice chat. So if you're looking for a new recruit that takes this seriously hmu.

    I'm mainly a rifle player, my sniping is decent but pref rifle. I play very aggressive and take i love to take risks, to simply put it i am a 50/50 player :p[IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/forum.z8games.com\/core\/image\/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP\/\/\/wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=="}[/IMG2]

    Contact Info
    My discord is > Acon#1923
    My IGN is > Szyzhia
    That's great. I was impressed by your Skills. I am happy to see such a topic. Please come to my blog and read it.
  • Any of you will find something to occupy yourself in this game
  • I play in League of Legends mostly, and I already tried Crossfire. I'm not really into shooters, but I really enjoyed this game. The fact that I didn't get tired of the game says a lot. A few days ago, someone hacked my account and I couldn't return it. I decided to try my luck and I plan to buy an account, because I don't want to start from the very beginning so much. I hope everything is going to be okay and Riot won't ban me. Till then, I will play Crossfire. I hope you won't ever get into a situation like this. It's so sucks when you have reached a lot on your account, and it's just gone in a few minutes and someone else uses it. Anyways, good luck everyone :)