Seperate chars

Having seperate chars for Bl and GR would be amazing
for example i like trixy as gr and i prefer la swat as Bl
so everytime i enter a game i have to see which team i am in and i enter the storage to select the char if i could pick a char for each team instead of doing that would be convienient


  • Why not just join the side you want and get the char that you want from the beginning?
    Seems like a lot of trouble for little effect.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • I don't think it is difficult to enter storage in 10 seconds and choose which character you want to play with it
  • Big +1. I was going to suggest this, too. This game lacks customization. I want to get Trixy eventually but her BL model is awful. It would be nice if I could use someone else's model when playing on BL. It would be even nicer if you could mix and match character effects. I'm going to be using Void Persona a lot once I get a permanent version, for the ammo buff but I don't particularly like the character. Using the character for the buff and using two other characters to replace each side's model would be really neat.
    Painanator wrote: »
    Why not just join the side you want and get the char that you want from the beginning?
    Seems like a lot of trouble for little effect.

    Won't work if the team has too many players. You'd be surprised how much small QoL changes like this could improve a game for people.
    IGN_Galaxy wrote: »
    I don't think it is difficult to enter storage in 10 seconds and choose which character you want to play with it

    That's 10 seconds wasted every single time you want to change teams. More if you also have a full set of equipment to keep switching between characters.
  • xkennyPLx wrote: »
    Big +1. I was going to suggest this, too. This game lacks customization. I want to get Trixy eventually but her BL model is awful. It would be nice if I could use someone else's model when playing on BL. It would be even nicer if you could mix and match character effects. I'm going to be using Void Persona a lot once I get a permanent version, for the ammo buff but I don't particularly like the character. Using the character for the buff and using two other characters to replace each side's model would be really neat.

    Won't work if the team has too many players. You'd be surprised how much small QoL changes like this could improve a game for people.

    That's 10 seconds wasted every single time you want to change teams. More if you also have a full set of equipment to keep switching between characters.

    Probably everyone wants more customization when it comes to characters. There are however some problems, if we had a tick-for list with every BL char in one list, GR in it's own, Special in it's own. There would be complains of not being able to use e.g. a Special char as your BL char.

    Then okay, we make it so that you can choose every char wherever you want, next problem. People are already confused by some skins that aren't colored enough to make them distinguishable as GR or BL, this would make this problem even worse.

    Well then we make it so all GR skins are Blue and all BL are red, problem solved right? Then someone comes saying, now the skin I liked looks bad. And we are back where we started.

    You could always add a glow around the character to make what team they are in clearer, but that might also make the character too visible, kind of acting a little like a wall hack.

    Both this and what you suggest about character effects are good suggestions and doable suggestions, but I don't think they will enable them.
    They have to rewrite a decent amount of code for it to work, which they'll probably wont because it will take up too much time of the developers (That aren't even working on this game mainly these days, if West haven't gotten their own developers now) and time costs money and we all know their stance about income (as almost any company). This also plays in why they probably wont enable the effects suggestion, as they rather have players buying several VIP-Chars, than one which they can customize the effect on.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »

    Probably everyone wants more customization when it comes to characters. There are however some problems, if we had a tick-for list with every BL char in one list, GR in it's own, Special in it's own. There would be complains of not being able to use e.g. a Special char as your BL char.

    Then okay, we make it so that you can choose every char wherever you want, next problem. People are already confused by some skins that aren't colored enough to make them distinguishable as GR or BL, this would make this problem even worse.

    Well then we make it so all GR skins are Blue and all BL are red, problem solved right? Then someone comes saying, now the skin I liked looks bad. And we are back where we started.

    You could always add a glow around the character to make what team they are in clearer, but that might also make the character too visible, kind of acting a little like a wall hack.

    There's no need to overcomplicate it. Special characters can stay exclusive. I just don't want to pay 80 dollars for an ugly character with a good effect, or be at a disadvantage for playing as a non-skilled character.
    Painanator wrote: »

    Both this and what you suggest about character effects are good suggestions and doable suggestions, but I don't think they will enable them.
    They have to rewrite a decent amount of code for it to work, which they'll probably wont because it will take up too much time of the developers (That aren't even working on this game mainly these days, if West haven't gotten their own developers now) and time costs money and we all know their stance about income (as almost any company). This also plays in why they probably wont enable the effects suggestion, as they rather have players buying several VIP-Chars, than one which they can customize the effect on.

    I can't imagine something like this would take much time for a professional programmer. All they'd have to do it make the game load a different character depending on what team you're on. In fact, it's already in the game. VIP Special characters replace their normal characters in Zombie/Mutant modes, so we know they're capable.
    You'd still need to buy several characters to be able to equip each one's model. If anything, this is going to encourage people to buy more characters. If they want to monetize it further, they could make the system unlock for a fee. I can tolerate aesthetics behind paywalls more than functional items.
  • xkennyPLx wrote: »

    There's no need to overcomplicate it. Special characters can stay exclusive. I just don't want to pay 80 dollars for an ugly character with a good effect, or be at a disadvantage for playing as a non-skilled character.

    I can't imagine something like this would take much time for a professional programmer. All they'd have to do it make the game load a different character depending on what team you're on. In fact, it's already in the game. VIP Special characters replace their normal characters in Zombie/Mutant modes, so we know they're capable.
    You'd still need to buy several characters to be able to equip each one's model. If anything, this is going to encourage people to buy more characters. If they want to monetize it further, they could make the system unlock for a fee. I can tolerate aesthetics behind paywalls more than functional items.

    It all depends on what the higher ups decide. If a change like that is worth the effort, I hope they do, but I don't think they'll do it. There are a lot of things they should have done to make it better for players, but they haven't, because they don't see enough profit in it.

    I'm still very angry about the stealth nerfing of zm weapons, even though they are basically giving away a M4-Lazer Gold to people playing void now.
    JackPain (Sweden)