May Update Patch Notes
Zombie Mode - Void Rift
This Zombie Mode has 4 wave mode rounds. You start randomly in 1 of 3 areas, Poison, Lava, and Power plant. The Final round being the Void Boss stage.
In order to move to from round to round you must summon and kill the main stage boss. Poison Area has the Toxic Crawler boss, Lava area has the magma engineer boss, and Power Plant has the Void Persona Boss. In order to summon each boss, kill waves of enemies to activate the summoning rock, usually 3 minutes of start the round.
Players should know, you get better rewards the longer you kill wave. On the right side of your screen, you will notice a Final boss stage counter. As the counter goes up the stronger the final boss gets. Void Overlord will receive more attack damage, Defense and Health, but on top of that 4 boss skills. The stages max out as follows:
Normal - Stage 5
Expert - Stage 7
Nightmare - Stage 10 (Good luck)
Conqueror Boss Points and Rewards are received when playing different difficulties. Boss Points are only received after successfully finishing the mode, Boss points can only be receive 5 times, regardless of the amount of points and resets daily. Success Rewards have no cap. The Boss Points and Success Rewards given out as follows:
Normal - Boss Points
Expert - Boss Points and Success Rewards
Nightmare - Boss Points and Success Rewards
During the wave phases you receive buffs, press "~" to buy the buffs. In order to buy the buffs you must have enough Soul Point Currency. You receive this currency by attacking and killing enemies. You can buy as many wave buffs as you want. Boss Buffs on the other hand are given once you kill a stage boss and only one buff can be bought for free.
Zombie Mode - Void Rift
This Zombie Mode has 4 wave mode rounds. You start randomly in 1 of 3 areas, Poison, Lava, and Power plant. The Final round being the Void Boss stage.
In order to move to from round to round you must summon and kill the main stage boss. Poison Area has the Toxic Crawler boss, Lava area has the magma engineer boss, and Power Plant has the Void Persona Boss. In order to summon each boss, kill waves of enemies to activate the summoning rock, usually 3 minutes of start the round.
Players should know, you get better rewards the longer you kill wave. On the right side of your screen, you will notice a Final boss stage counter. As the counter goes up the stronger the final boss gets. Void Overlord will receive more attack damage, Defense and Health, but on top of that 4 boss skills. The stages max out as follows:
Normal - Stage 5
Expert - Stage 7
Nightmare - Stage 10 (Good luck)
Conqueror Boss Points and Rewards are received when playing different difficulties. Boss Points are only received after successfully finishing the mode, Boss points can only be receive 5 times, regardless of the amount of points and resets daily. Success Rewards have no cap. The Boss Points and Success Rewards given out as follows:
Normal - Boss Points
Expert - Boss Points and Success Rewards
Nightmare - Boss Points and Success Rewards
During the wave phases you receive buffs, press "~" to buy the buffs. In order to buy the buffs you must have enough Soul Point Currency. You receive this currency by attacking and killing enemies. You can buy as many wave buffs as you want. Boss Buffs on the other hand are given once you kill a stage boss and only one buff can be bought for free.
Clan Match Improvement
You can now search for clan matches and receive Clan activity rewards when members of your clan do different things.
VIP Skin Change System
Upcoming content will be revealed soon.
2nd Bag Set Expansion
Users can now have a whole other bag of 7
Please note 2nd Bag Set Expansion is separate from the original Bags. Which means you can't stack VIP buffs on both Bag Sets.
Righteous Shotgun Series
Righteous Shotgun
Righteous Shotgun - Silver
Righteous Shotgun - Gold
Clan Match Improvement
You can now search for clan matches and receive Clan activity rewards when members of your clan do different things.
VIP Skin Change System
Upcoming content will be revealed soon.
2nd Bag Set Expansion
Users can now have a whole other bag of 7
Please note 2nd Bag Set Expansion is separate from the original Bags. Which means you can't stack VIP buffs on both Bag Sets.
Righteous Shotgun Series
Righteous Shotgun
Righteous Shotgun - Silver
Righteous Shotgun - Gold
Event Mode - Cops and Robbers
Graffiti 2 Crate
M4A1-Guitar Graffiti
FAMAS G2-Graffiti
PPSH-41 GP Crate
-Bug Fixes-
- An issue was fixed where Ranked Points were not being shown.
- An issue where some weapons did not have information in player profile.
[EDIT] Known Issue
We are aware of an issue where 'C4 Setup/Defuse Kit' cannot be purchased or renewed after the latest content update.
While we look to resolve this issue, all players who log into the game will receive a one-time distribution of 'C4 Setup/Defuse Kit' for 30days.
Event Mode - Cops and Robbers
Graffiti 2 Crate
M4A1-Guitar Graffiti
FAMAS G2-Graffiti
PPSH-41 GP Crate
-Bug Fixes-
- An issue was fixed where Ranked Points were not being shown.
- An issue where some weapons did not have information in player profile.
[EDIT] Known Issue
We are aware of an issue where 'C4 Setup/Defuse Kit' cannot be purchased or renewed after the latest content update.
While we look to resolve this issue, all players who log into the game will receive a one-time distribution of 'C4 Setup/Defuse Kit' for 30days.
I'm pretty excited for this map's new reward system if it works the way I think it will. It's still going to be grindy as all heck but having a fixed goal to look forward to is far more satisfying than random rewards.
Edit: I LOVE the new map. It's basically just grinding until you're overpowered. There's something relaxing about it. This is the first Zombie map in a while that exceeded my expectations. It's not perfect, there's still some boss attacks that seem like they were made to burn Revive Tokens and joining the match late means you'll be underpowered, which goes for your team as well. Beyond that, I love the concept of the upgrade system and the long term rewards seem really nice. -
Fun map but pretty grindy to get the shotgun and the worse part is that it's time-gated too, I'd rather play 12 hours in one day than 3 each day (or whatever time it takes to receive the conqueror reward x5), are the chinese learning from Blizzard's WoW?:p
...and did you just AK-47 Buster'd(;)) the Defuse Kit? It's gone from the Item Shop.
Side note: Reverse the nerfs! -
ZM is so pointless and stupid nowadays. It's all about needing overpowered weapons (either grinding or spending real money) to even have a chance. Bullet sponges aren't fun.
I disagree. Zombie mode was far worse in its early days. You needed to spend money on Revive Tokens to stand a chance because there was no infinite revives. Three deaths and you're out. All the early maps also had more bullet sponge-y basic enemies because you didn't have any good weapons to bring. Go back to the two early maps, Biohazard and Valkyrie Lab, that don't allow you to bring your inventory weapons and see how much fun you have shooting an entire magazine to kill one mutant.
Compare that to modern ZM where dying no longer ends the entire game so less money wasted on Revive Tokens, and there's an AA12-Buster always available in the Mileage shop, no grinding required. That's all you need for most Zombie maps.
This new Void Rift map gives players even more options. The first reward you get is a 30 day M4A1-Laser Gold. It allows new players to experience the mode on the same level as veteran players, including older, more difficult maps. It seems like the devs are trying to make M4-Laser the standard ZM weapon, since one of the map's rewards is a permanent M4-Laser that you can get in about a week, easily accessible to all players. The map's upgrade shop system remedies the bullet sponge problem since you can essentially septuple your damage output, so bosses no longer feel like a chore, like they did in Elemental Temple. Honestly, Void Rift is one of the best things that have been added to the game in a long time. -
2nd Bag Set Expansion
So, this doesn't stack the ammo in terms of having vips in both bag set, but what about other effects such as GP and EXP?
No, all effects will NOT take place for un-selected bag, only VIP, GP, and EXP effects will happen for the bag that is currently selected -
So you can essentially have 14 weapons with you in game now? or do you have to choose set 1 or set 2 before you join?
No, you can have additional 7 predefined bags, but in game you will only access the set that is currently selected, this means you will not be able to select from 14 bags in game (only 7, from the set that is active).
So, at the end this feature will allow us to have an additional 7 pre defined bags without the need to go to storage and change the items. -
Hmmm . Will the Righteous Shotguns get stealth nerfed in the same way as with what happened with our AK 47 GOLD BUSTERS?
Please Return the Busters to their Pre Nerfed condition. This is not too much to ask is it?
You just make us all sceptical about what you offer and what you take away and have left a bitter taste in the wake of what you did to us.
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