Spring Sale - April 23 to April 26


Attention Mercenaries,

The flowers are blooming and the sun is getting warmer every day. CrossFire joins the good vibes and brings a 50% off in 10-crate deals full of flowers and colors in the CrossFire Web Shop.

St. Patty's Crate
AK47 - St. Patrick's Day
AWM - A - Jade

Spring Fair Crate
M4A1 - S - Spring Flowers
D Eagle - A - Rainbow

Spring Greens Crate
XM8 - Spring
AK-47 - Flower Power
M4A1 - S - Jasmine

Flower Power Crate
M4A1 - Advanced - Flower Power
AK-47 - Flower Power

Enjoy the sunlight, Mercenaries!

-CrossFire Team

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