[Guide] How to migrate from CFES to CFWest
How to migrate from CFES to CFWest
Here’s how to migrate from CFES to CFWest, step by step (Vamos a migrar una cuenta de CFES a CFWest. Paso por paso).
I will explain in English and Spanish (Te lo voy a decir en Inglés y Español para que no tengas que traducir si no sabes).
Step 1:
First, you need to enter the website URL:
(Primero debemos ir a la página de la migración. El link es el de arriba).
Scroll down until you find where it says "MIGRAR MI CUENTA AHORA" and click on it.
(Nos desplazamos hacía abajo y le damos en el botón de MIGRAR MI CUENTA AHORA).
We must choose our partner carefully before anything, to proceed with the migration process: Z8Games or Axeso5. It all depends on where we have our account registered. No matter who is your portal partner, but the steps are the same.
(Debemos escoger nuestro portal. Si es Z8Games o Axeso5. Todo depende en dónde tengamos nuestra cuenta registrada. No importa cuál es nuestro portal, una vez que iniciamos sesión, los pasos son los mismos a partir de ahora).
Regardless of who our partner is, we need to sign in to our Z8Games/Axeso5 account.
(Sea el caso, debemos iniciar sesión en el portal donde tengamos registrada nuestra cuenta. Si la tienes en Axeso5, escoge Axeso5; caso contrario, Z8Games).
Step 3:
Subject to Revocation and Data Transfer Agreement, we accept the terms and conditions specified in this License Agreement.
(Debemos aceptar los términos y condiciones especificados en este acuerdo de licencia: Acuerdo de revocación y transferencia de datos).
You need to check the box "He leído y acepto los términos del text anterior" and then click "Estoy de acuerdo, por favor comenzar mi transferencia de cuenta".
(Debemos marcar esa casilla de que "he leído y acepto los términos y condiciones". Y luego damos clic en "ESTOY DE ACUERDO, POR FAVOR COMENZAR MI TRANSFERENCIA DE CUENTA).
Warning: Please note, read the FAQs before you migrate your account for specifics, however below you can see some other specific items that will/will not migrate.
(ADVERTENCIA: En la parte inferior están las PREGUNTAS MÁS FRECUENTES DE LA MIGRACIÓN. Ahí se especifica todo lo que se puede migrar y lo que no. Para que lo tengan en cuenta).
Step 4:
Complete the form on the "Register" page to create a new account. Registering your account means that you are creating a new account from zero.
(Debemos completar el formulario o casillas de registro para crear una cuenta. Recuerda que estamos creando una nueva cuenta desde 0, pero con las armas, ítems, accesorios que se van a migrar).
Just don't forget your account login info. You should probably save that info in notepad or something — account login details. Never share that information with someone..
(Por ningún motivo olvides esos datos. Lo ideal es que guardes esa información en un archivo de Bloc de Notas. Nunca pero nunca compartas esa información con alguien más. Debes de tener en cuenta que los datos de recuperación de la cuenta ya son "estos" nuevos, no los que tenías en CrossFire Español).
Select each checkbox and click on "Escoge tu nuevo IGN de CrossFire".
(Recuerda seleccionar cada casilla y luego damos clic "Escoge tu nuevo IGN de CrossFire").
Step 5:
You need to set an in-game name (IGN). This new IGN must not be in use by another user. Click on "Empezar a transferir mis artículos".
(Debemos escoger un nuevo IGN que no esté en uso y que no sea vulgar. El sistema no nos dejará escoger un IGN que está usado por otro jugador. Una vez escrito, le damos clic en "Empezar a transferir mis artículos").
Step 6:
Just wait for a few minutes until this process gets completed. It is a very simple procedure that shouldn't take over 15 minutes.
(Debemos esperar un par de minutos hasta que la barra se complete / llene. Este procedimiento no debería tomar más de 15 minutos. Una vez que pasen 15 minutos, presionamos F5 para actualizar la página).
Step 7:
This migration process completed successfully. Ready. Now you can play CrossFire West.
(El proceso de migración ha sido exitoso si la barra se ha completado totalmente. ¡Listo! ¡Ponte la nueva camisa de CF y empieza a jugar! Ese mensaje nos indica que ya la cuenta ha sido migrada).
Downloading CrossFire West:
Remember to download CrossFire West from:
(Como esta es otra versión, debemos descargar CrossFire West desde el link anterior que está arriba).
Notice that the download process may take some time, depending on the speed of your Internet connection.
(Este proceso de descarga puede tomar un tiempo. Todo depende de la velocidad de nuestro Internet).
Important note: On CFES everyone used to log in with email and password. Now this has changed. On CFWest you must log in with ID and password, you cannot log in with your email.
(AVISO IMPORTANTE: En CrossFire Español se accedía al juego con el correo electrónico. En CrossFire West esto no es así. Se requiere el ID y la contraseña. Recuerda que el ID se pedía en el registro de la cuenta que se encuentra en el paso 4. Si olvidas el ID es difícil recuperar la cuenta).
That is all. Welcome to CrossFire West.
(Eso es todo. Fue así de fácil. BIENVENIDO A CROSSFIRE WEST).
Hello dear brother, I need your help on the migration from Spanish crossfire to crossfire west.
It is that I was guiding from your guide on how to migrate the account ( -cfwest), in step 4 I only got that I have to register a new account, but I don't get the option to "start transferring my articles".
I was contacting crossfire technical support, but they did not give me a correct greeting.
Although I had not played for years, but I want to get them back.
I just want to migrate my weapons, characters, ZP and etc to the other account.
Greeting. -
Hello dear brother, I need your help on the migration from Spanish crossfire to crossfire west.
It is that I was guiding from your guide on how to migrate the account ( -cfwest), in step 4 I only got that I have to register a new account, but I don't get the option to "start transferring my articles".
I was contacting crossfire technical support, but they did not give me a correct greeting.
Although I had not played for years, but I want to get them back.
I just want to migrate my weapons, characters, ZP and etc to the other account.
Can you upload a screenshot of that error message here in this thread?
You can upload it to Imgur, using the following link: -
It isn't effortless to give you an exact answer because I'm not sure about the support team's response to your ticket.
I have seen your images, and I realize there's a problem with it. I tried to migrate a secondary account, and it worked (migrated) without any problem. Which makes me understand that the migration page is working as it should be.- You can try it from another browser.
- If you have another account, try migrating it.
This post is a topic that only support can help you. Try to submit a ticket again and provide the most crucial information concerning and regarding your problem.
By a GM:Yes, but without seeing what error he is receiving, there's not much we could help him with.
If he sent a ticket with the error we can try to guide him through it -
I have two accounts in CFES, both could not be migrated to CFWEST.
Although I know that the two accounts have been inactive for like 2 or 3 years, because I suspended the game for a while.
But I was trying to submit a ticket to CFES technical support, but it couldn't (both counts, it couldn't). HAVE A VIDEO
On the other hand, I sent a ticket to CFWEST support, but it never provided me with a correct solution. LOOK THE SCREENSHOT
:mad::mad::mad: -
I have two accounts in CFES, both could not be migrated to CFWEST.
Although I know that the two accounts have been inactive for like 2 or 3 years, because I suspended the game for a while.
But I was trying to submit a ticket to CFES technical support, but it couldn't (both counts, it couldn't). HAVE A VIDEO
On the other hand, I sent a ticket to CFWEST support, but it never provided me with a correct solution. LOOK THE SCREENSHOT
Here are two aspects to consider:
1. There is an error in the browser or restriction on the network. Log out all accounts and try it again (not two at the same time). I recommend trying it from your cellphone with another network (mobile data). If the problem persists, then it is likely option 2.
2. There is a ban or suspension on the account.
I used to have access to the "[MOD]YouTube" account in CFES, but when I try to migrate it to CFWest, I get the same message as you, and I can't do anything about it because a GM suspended that account in CFES.
I suppose your account may also have been suspended for some unknown reason. It looks like it may be a chargeback.
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