Kick vote system in FFAs

You've probably heard this one before, but it deserves every bit of attention.

all it takes to destroy a full room of FFA is one cheater below the ground aimbotting everyone, like my last game.

the top critic about KVS is, "well i've gotten kicked because they suspected me of cheating but i am a GOD!" well, sorry to burst your bubble, but this doesn't only happen to you and I would rather take the bullet (get kicked for suspected cheating) than for a whole lobby to be rendered useless.

this is my last attempt on this. have a blessed day!


  • I really don't think Kick-vote should exist in any game-mode with this player community. It's already abused in the modes were it exists. The only way I would support it, would be if they have a punishment system for causeless (not cheaters) kick-voting with pretty harsh punishments (maybe 1 day ban for 1 offense, 1 week for second, perm for third). That would take away the hate-kicks.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Painanator wrote: »
    I really don't think Kick-vote should exist in any game-mode with this player community. It's already abused in the modes were it exists. The only way I would support it, would be if they have a punishment system for causeless (not cheaters) kick-voting with pretty harsh punishments (maybe 1 day ban for 1 offense, 1 week for second, perm for third). That would take away the hate-kicks.

    I don’t understand lol we’ve had this system since 2007 but now the game is unplayable if we add this feature back in ? *.*

    anyways, something I forgot to add was the host of the room having the ability to either include KVS in his FFA or not include it. (Only for FFA, other game modes like S&D are fine the way they are)
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »

    I don’t understand lol we’ve had this system since 2007 but now the game is unplayable if we add this feature back in ? *.*

    anyways, something I forgot to add was the host of the room having the ability to either include KVS in his FFA or not include it. (Only for FFA, other game modes like S&D are fine the way they are)

    +1 that sounds good.
  • Pyrex00 wrote: »

    I don’t understand lol we’ve had this system since 2007 but now the game is unplayable if we add this feature back in ? *.*

    anyways, something I forgot to add was the host of the room having the ability to either include KVS in his FFA or not include it. (Only for FFA, other game modes like S&D are fine the way they are)

    Because almost all of the kickvotes you see in any mode are not because of a cheater playing in the room. Mostly it's done because someone gets irritated at another player or BY cheaters who wants the one complaining out of the match. It's also extra troublesome when it is everybody against everybody, I foresee a lot of players in the top, getting kicked in the last minute or so of the game. Now we can at least report FFA cheaters, the only problem with that, is the cool-down time.

    It's pretty obvious that most of today's player-base can't handle any power over other players. This have been the case since the first years of CF, I remember Ghost-Mode had a lot of trouble with this and it's one of the things that made the mode almost die out. I am actually astonished that kick-vote even exists in the year 2020, as it has been nothing but a total failure.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • -1 There shouldn't be a kick system on FFA. If we are talking about a host setting to allow kick on that room i might agree with the suggestion only if that setting is off by default. Who would wanna join a FFA just to get kicked in the last 30 seconds for getting more than 100 kills...
  • Golden173 wrote: »
    -1 There shouldn't be a kick system on FFA. If we are talking about a host setting to allow kick on that room i might agree with the suggestion only if that setting is off by default. Who would wanna join a FFA just to get kicked in the last 30 seconds for getting more than 100 kills...

    ^^ this exactly this.
    If you were playing non-team based modes shortly before the kick vote was removed you'd know this here. Imagine....finally able to kick that go to use the kick vote but you notice there's already a vote in progress....on you...seconds later you're gone. before the kick vote was removed you literally could not play a full FFA or Mutation regardless of if a hacker was in the room or not. You might get a couple minutes in at best if you were lucky.
  • Like they said, I find it unfair for random people to just kick the person with the most kills in the game, just takes the purpose of making an outstanding performance in FFA. I'd give this a -1 simply because you can just kick everyone in the room, which I don't agree.
  • It has advantages and disadvantages, I think, as people said, but it is better for them to develop a kicking system better than this about random voting.