Friends List Limit -> Expansion

Hello fellow CrossFire players. I was wondering over the past few weeks over this

I would like to make a suggestion about removing the 100 player limit from the friend-list and raising it up to at least 300-400.

Reason: Removing players from friend-list just to add others to play ranked etc.

Myself and probably most of you have been playing this game for such a long time that your friend-list was full of people you used to play with over the years.
Having to remove someone from friends who do not play quite often is not a way forward. Removing an old close friend from a friend-list that logs-on once every few months to add somebody just to play ranked games for example is a bit of a silly idea.

- Raise the limit to at least 300.
- Add another tab that we can add people for Ranked. (150 limit)
- Allow us to invite people to ranked games through IGN search.

I feel and think that nowadays people who play lot of; scrims, ranked, private games would also prefer the limit to be raised.

Having the game connected up with the EU and ES, has brought more people in - we should have the limit raised.

Feel free to add your suggestion/opinions about this matter.
