How can I view my games?
You can't see your match history in CF, unless you saved all the replays that you played, or if you played Ranked. If you want to see Ranked match history, open the Ranked tab and see the history on top right.
Yes this is what I mean't the replays. How can I save them? -
Yes this is what I mean't the replays. How can I save them?
Well first things first, you need to check if you have save replays on. Go to options and check the "Save" options in the Misc tab
After you check the "save" option, play and game and let it end. When it ends, you'll see this button on the bottom right of your CF screen:
Then it will show this, click OK to save the replay:
You can save the replay on another way through here:
Now how to watch your replays: Open the Storage in the top of your CF screen and click it, then it will show this:
Click on it and it will show this:
Now select a replay you want to watch and click "replay" and you'll see the game you played -
In my opinion, any game has such a function, perhaps you should take a closer look at the settings or the history section. When I played games last year, I often watched my pvp replays to highlight my mistakes and try to improve my skill in the future. But that has changed since I ordered myself a dungeon boost at Thanks to the full passage of the dungeons, I was able to get rare materials for crafting equipment, as well as many useful items that provided me with an advantage over my opponents. Now I am practically the strongest on my server and I often help my guild to get victories in tournaments
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