loneBullet wrote: »You can say that most of the maps are like Dust2, theres a A and B Bombsite, Long A, Middle ect ect...Black Widow fails becuase it doesn't have tunnels near B. So no. In fact non of the maps are Dust2, so skroo you.
it's De dust 2 with a new reskin and a few stuffs are changed, but the map is EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!! I'm serious, EXACTLY THE SAME. -
BravesFanLB wrote: »I think its a bit unnecessary to put de_dust2 in the game when we already have Black Widow, which is de_dust2 with a few small tweaks and metallic textures.
no it's not. on map it looks simular, but the place is totally different in terms of feel and every thing in placed differently. -
it's De dust 2 with a new reskin and a few stuffs are changed, but the map is EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!! I'm serious, EXACTLY THE SAME.
You are stupid
sure the layout is the same but the few changes they made make the map look and feel completely differeny.
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