Add a kick option in Mass Mutation Mode

Hello & thank you for reading this.

My name is "Krypton!" and I really do enjoy the mode Mass Mutation (Especially the Escape mode version).

But as sadly as it is, it is filled with hackers (especially the escape mode version).
I understand that it is hard to upgrade the anti-cheat software (or however that works).

But might it be possible to add kicking to Mass Mutation and even HMX (I know HMX/ mutation mode used to have it back in the day).
Even tho people might argue that good players will get kicked too, I believe that doesn't make up for the fact that without the kicking system, every single game can get corrupted by hackers until the end of the game, and longer if the host can't kick them before they leave after a match. So that they can rejoin after the game was started.

When we are able to kick the hackers, this hole problem would just fade away.

Im not saying it should be implemented right now, but it might be something to work towards in the future.

Kind regards,
