Disallow ability to vote-kick players if you are in the bottom half of scoreboard.

I'm getting kicked time and time again when hitting great games with up to 50 kills. I know it's "a part of the game", but i think players who dont know what they're doing should not be able to abuse the vote-kick function. AFAIK the vote-kick system should be used to kick hackers and griefers.

Aight - that's it.


  • So what happens when you join a room of say 5v5 and 3 of the players are hackers and in the top 50% of scoreboard because of that? Now only 2 others can vote kick and if they're not in the same team as the hackers then RIP. Then if the 2 people try to kick and the kick gets denied now the likelihood of the hackers getting kicked becomes very unlikely even more so than normal.
    The biggest set back might be the coding is obviously not in the game for to make this easy to add....so would it really be worth it?

    I personally don't see this as being the best viable solution for the kick vote and hacker situation in the game.
  • Ixith wrote: »
    So what happens when you join a room of say 5v5 and 3 of the players are hackers and in the top 50% of scoreboard because of that? Now only 2 others can vote kick and if they're not in the same team as the hackers then RIP. Then if the 2 people try to kick and the kick gets denied now the likelihood of the hackers getting kicked becomes very unlikely even more so than normal.
    The biggest set back might be the coding is obviously not in the game for to make this easy to add....so would it really be worth it?

    I personally don't see this as being the best viable solution for the kick vote and hacker situation in the game.

    I see the problem. I just think that it is messed up to get kicked out of a game (for no reason at all) that you have played for 30+ minutes. Maybe giving the player the GP and XP would be an option. I just think that the vote-kick system should be re-done.

    (i do think that everyone in the game should have the ability to vote f11 and f12. But i dont think that bottom scoreboard should be able to start a vote.)

    - Also, if you find yourself in a 5v5 with 3 hackers in one team, just leave the match.
  • I hate it everytime when it happens to me but I don't think the best solution to it is taking the vote option away from the lower end of the scoreboard. As you said, they should make it so that you still get the EXP & GP for that game, I find that very fair.
  • what i hate more about abusing the kik vote system is when i dont trade weapons mostly they try to kik me (and to 99% are theese players Arabic Speaking folks) just i dont want to trade an AK Halloween for the Normal AK, because in S&D especially as Defenders every Second on round start counts, to get into good positions, when i want to trade a gun i ask before the next round starts and not discuss it at round beginning.

    i just got on Sunday when i tried to make 2 hours for crates full 3 times kicked because i didnt traded Prime Guns for M14EBR that can everyone can buy for time in MP shop... so i hate this more.

    and to the point that at least player should get exp/gp even when they get kicked im against it simply because players could still use AFK bots and would still rewarded for it.

    i never kik players just because they dont have every round kills, but when someone is still today not be able to use speakers or headphones to hear where someone is shooting, or dont even defend the bomb instead running whole map back into the spawn, or even when they got hit and dont even turn arround and run with the back away from the enemy just to die, then i kick them when its a important game.but theese are not kicks without reason, they have a reason, even i have sometimes bad games where i cant hit ****, and only get assists but when someone is having 0 kills, 11 deaths and 1 Assist, then he should do the shooting range first or go to Warmup and then try to get at least a litl bit aim at least to the chest.

    or what i even more hate are players that are in S&D rounds going every round AFK and then when the whole team is dead after 1 Minute come back when theres only 1 minute left in the round and cant hit anything, but going then another 5 rounds afk at the beginning they get then from me a kick vote too, since when you dont have time then dont play the game at this moment