Suggestion for more original Collections/Skins in CF West

Lately I have seen some awful and boring collection skins/weapon models in CF West, I mean, really? Mechabee skin/collection, it feels they are just releasing whatever idea pop into their heads... flooding the game with a brand new ZP crate...

Here are the examples, which in my opinion should never been released
  1. Mechabee (non customized model weapons, similar skin to hornet)
  2. Ultra (non customized model weapons, similar skin to Prime)
  3. Empire (non original skin, weapon models somehow different than regular M4,AK,Barrett but does not come customized)
  4. Celestial Dragon (non customized weapon models, similar skin like other dragons just in blue)
Against some collections which actually delivers an original skin and/or customized weapon models (to mention a few)
  1. Elite (customized weapons with original skin)
  2. Ronove (customized weapons with original skin)
There is also a possibility to start creating Collections of weapons obtained not only from ZP crates like Noble Silver skin or Camo skin to name a few.
Is it so hard to take a weapon model like K1A, K2 or some other ones that are just forgotten, customize it and put a nice skin (not a re-used skin in different colors).

Hope you can add your vote/ideas/feeling about this suggestion and raise our hand about what we would like to see in the game this 2020+
