Increasing the rank requirement for ranked to Captain or Major rank

Many times when i play ranked and meet a blatant cheater, they've usually just passed the requirement to play ranked and started playing that day.

There's nothing i fear or suspect more then a Lieutenant ranked player in the opposite team.

So my suggestion is to increase the rank requirement to Captain 1 or Major 1 level in order to reduce the high amount of cheaters that can play ranked and also to make those that are persistent take more time before they come back.

There are some players that immediately make a new account to rank up right after their old gets banned.

So by increasing the requirement, it will not only take longer for them to come back but they will also have to waste alot more time leveling up.
This could make some cheaters give up mid-way about leveling up because it takes to long to level up new accounts.

As for the legit players, i'm quite sure that like 95% of main accounts are captain or above by now, it's considered a low rank even.

So please consider it


  • I agree even if they make 1 star general requiriment, maybe even better than what u proposed.
    Or something even better, make a ping limit option, so u can choose when start a ranked match lets say a room limited under 60-70 ping or above, as most of the hakers have 90-100 ping or more they would all time play 5 pros vs 5 pros.
  • I don't really know where I stand in this discussion. I like to see less cheaters so +1 for that, but to be honest I don't think it will help that much.
    It will take away some of the small-fry idiot cheaters, but for the worse offenders, who seem to be able to afford losing any amount of VIP-Accounts they want, it will do nothing. Sadly they are the ones that are the bigger problem In the game, people who also afford to buy their cheat-software.

    As a guy showed a week or so back, here at the forum. It ain't that hard to level up for a cheater, the player was high-leveled (Don't remember exactly what level, but I think it was 1 or 2 star) in 3 days. So as for [USER="3229164"]winnnetou[/USER]'s hope in it making ranked-players see 5 pro's vs 5 pro's by setting a higher LV-requierment, I can say with great certainty, that it won't be what happens. Except for your personal pride, XP-level is meaningless for guessing a player's ability, just look at me, I am a one-star and I pretty much suck. When you play the game, at least half of the Marshal's you play against, play with the ability of less than a Lieutenant should have.

    Grouping in ranked by ping, is a thing I would really like to see, as it would take away "Ping-Heroes", don't know if it will do anything against cheaters though, as it will only limit them, from playing against people not in their area. Making ping-limited ranked rooms will discriminate players, so I don't think they will do it (Or can do it, if they don't want to break their own policies).

    Lastly . A side effect of making the requirement level higher, will make the total number of players playing ranked (A large number also being legit) much smaller. As I and many others have said, CF-West is a small community. Ranked is a smaller community. Finding matches even for S&D isn't always easy and this suggestion will take a way at least 1/3 of those players. So in losing a small number of hackers (for the moment), you might actually be shooting your self in the head. It might end with ranked getting so empty, that it will be almost impossible to find a match (except for certain hours during the weekend). It is a problematic discussion as almost nobody (including me) want to play with or against hackers, but anything limiting players from joining might mean that you can't play at all, because it will be too empty. It would be a little different, if we had the player numbers from 5 years ago.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Please, no. I don't know how it is in other servers but in NA, it's already nearly impossible to find ranked matches because no one is queuing. Adding more restrictions is going to make it even worse.
  • Painanator wrote: »
    I don't really know where I stand in this discussion. I like to see less cheaters so +1 for that, but to be honest I don't think it will help that much.
    It will take away some of the small-fry idiot cheaters, but for the worse offenders, who seem to be able to afford losing any amount of VIP-Accounts they want, it will do nothing. Sadly they are the ones that are the bigger problem In the game, people who also afford to buy their cheat-software.

    As a guy showed a week or so back, here at the forum. It ain't that hard to level up for a cheater, the player was high-leveled (Don't remember exactly what level, but I think it was 1 or 2 star) in 3 days. So as for [USER="3229164"]winnnetou[/USER]'s hope in it making ranked-players see 5 pro's vs 5 pro's by setting a higher LV-requierment, I can say with great certainty, that it won't be what happens. Except for your personal pride, XP-level is meaningless for guessing a player's ability, just look at me, I am a one-star and I pretty much suck. When you play the game, at least half of the Marshal's you play against, play with the ability of less than a Lieutenant should have.

    Grouping in ranked by ping, is a thing I would really like to see, as it would take away "Ping-Heroes", don't know if it will do anything against cheaters though, as it will only limit them, from playing against people not in their area. Making ping-limited ranked rooms will discriminate players, so I don't think they will do it (Or can do it, if they don't want to break their own policies).

    Lastly . A side effect of making the requirement level higher, will make the total number of players playing ranked (A large number also being legit) much smaller. As I and many others have said, CF-West is a small community. Ranked is a smaller community. Finding matches even for S&D isn't always easy and this suggestion will take a way at least 1/3 of those players. So in losing a small number of hackers (for the moment), you might actually be shooting your self in the head. It might end with ranked getting so empty, that it will be almost impossible to find a match (except for certain hours during the weekend). It is a problematic discussion as almost nobody (including me) want to play with or against hackers, but anything limiting players from joining might mean that you can't play at all, because it will be too empty. It would be a little different, if we had the player numbers from 5 years ago.

    The amount of players that cheat on accounts with vips is like 0.1% and i couldn't be more happier when i see such players because they actually lose something when they get banned.
    On the other hand, 99% of the cheaters are low Lieutenant-Captain ranked throwaway accounts that were made specifically to cheat on and then never to be used again.

    If these low rank throwaway accounts get banned then they start making a new one. It's exactly because of how easy it is to level up that the rank requirement needs to be increased.

    And while the ranked player base is low, it's still not low enough for us not to find games just because the majority of the cheaters get removed. In fact, you shouldn't count them as part of the playerbase either because they just exist and play to get banned.

    The remaining low ranked legit players shouldn't be higher then 500, majority of which are probably alt accounts. While ranked has over 10.000 players.

    Currently to play ranked you need to have 709.765 EXP (Second Lieutenant 8) while for Captain you would need 1.333.573 EXP (Captain 1) and for Major it's 2.057.701 EXP (Major 1). that's almost double and triple the amount you would need for the current requirement.

    I believe that if the rank requirements got increased this much that it would discourage many players from even starting a new account just to cheat on it as it would be to much of a waste of time, and if they then decide to cheat on their main accounts then that would be even better because then they can also lose something from their actions.

    How many players are in this game is irrelevant if you need to count in the number of cheaters as well.
    xkennyPLx wrote: »
    Please, no. I don't know how it is in other servers but in NA, it's already nearly impossible to find ranked matches because no one is queuing. Adding more restrictions is going to make it even worse.

    I don't know if you're aware of this or not but literally every single NA player i know that wants to play ranked goes to the EU servers, this includes that egyptian players from the MENA servers.
    Everyone just gathers in EU to play as spreading out would make it alot harder to find games.

    Ping doesn't help the EU players as much as you think. If it were any other game then lower ping would be better but not in this game.

    Due to it's low tick rate servers of like 8-tick or whatever it was, it gives both advantages and disadvantages to both low ping and high ping players. Some of the current high ranked and top-100 players are NA players with 100+ ping so if they can do it then other high-pinged players should be able to do the same.
  • I don't know if you're aware of this or not but literally every single NA player i know that wants to play ranked goes to the EU servers, this includes that egyptian players from the MENA servers.
    Everyone just gathers in EU to play as spreading out would make it alot harder to find games.

    Ping doesn't help the EU players as much as you think. If it were any other game then lower ping would be better but not in this game.

    Due to it's low tick rate servers of like 8-tick or whatever it was, it gives both advantages and disadvantages to both low ping and high ping players. Some of the current high ranked and top-100 players are NA players with 100+ ping so if they can do it then other high-pinged players should be able to do the same.

    Every time I try playing in the EU servers, I get destroyed. I do better against pros in NA than I do against novices in EU. Ping makes a huge difference. It's frustrating dying behind walls and not having your damage register constantly.
  • They can always do a test period, to see if it works. If it doesn't they can go back to how it is done now. But I still hold to my statement on how I believe it will be.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • +1 on changing requirements for ranked. But through farming Marshall can be reached in less than a week. So Exp is out. I would say the account needs to be at least half a year or maybe a year old to play ranked.