Avoiding hackers in Mutant Escape

Some hackers are being more sneaky lately, they target the modes that don't have a replay saving option and play there day and night. I started to play Lost City (mutant escape mode), i really love the map,the only issue is that from time to time I meet a few hackers that I'm unable to report.
So I wanted to suggest "adding the replay saving option" to the mutant escape, or at least "adding the kick vote" so that we won't be forced to leave every time a hacker joins in room.
For every thing there is the pro and con. I know people might abuse the kick vote, but It's the only way we have for getting a clean game.


  • I can totally agree with that, as you already said. We enjoy to play this Mode. But hackers are making our experience really bad.

    About the Replays: It would give us the opportunity to clean the game from cheaters. And also to keep this mode alive. Since more and more people will get bored pretty fast of playing it. If there isn't a chance to play a game Normally.

    About the Kick-Voting: Also a +1 I know, good players could be kicked from the room also. But we have to take this risk. To keep the game more clean and playable tbh. But the reason is also lower to get kicked since 30 Players in total have to vote for a Kickout.

    I like the whole sugesstions, so everything is a +1
  • Hope to see save replay option to report them. +1
  • Totally agree with toxic !!!!! Need to fix this as soon as possible
  • yeah i agree with that but we need replay in zm too And on all maps
  • I also agree with all this, for me every mutant mode has to have these two options:
    1- Save Game
    2 - Vote Kick
    That way we'll be able to take these HACKs out of the game by doing the votekick or saving the game at the end and reporting here on the forum!
  • wrote:
    Toxic;n6917781]I can totally agree with that, as you already said. We enjoy to play this Mode. But hackers are making our experience really bad.

    About the Replays: It would give us the opportunity to clean the game from cheaters. And also to keep this mode alive. Since more and more people will get bored pretty fast of playing it. If there isn't a chance to play a game Normally.

    About the Kick-Voting: Also a +1 I know, good players could be kicked from the room also. But we have to take this risk. To keep the game more clean and playable tbh. But the reason is also lower to get kicked since 30 Players in total have to vote for a Kickout.

    I like the whole sugesstions, so everything is a +1

    There's that too about coming back with votekick in mutant ways... low rank and non VIP players keep votingkick on high rank and VIP players... then unfortunately good players are unfairly kicked. =/
    I don't know if I would have that possibility, but if they could kick in the votekick when the names of the players in the room appear, you couldn't kick the VIP players. Because VIP players don't use HACK... and so VIP players wouldn't be unfairly kicked, because VIP players besides being good players, they spend buying ZP of the game and I think that would be fair!!
  • jeah save replay in hmx or any Mutant mode would be nice. so i can full up sundays with sending replays of hmx botters….