Looking for comp clan
Hey everyone , im new to this forum .
i was Top player in 1.6 before few years played in some big tournaments and teams in Israel and in the world. I back to CF lately so I would hope I can find a comp clan and join the business again!
please contact me if someone intrested in a player
i was Top player in 1.6 before few years played in some big tournaments and teams in Israel and in the world. I back to CF lately so I would hope I can find a comp clan and join the business again!
please contact me if someone intrested in a player
Hey Saopp! I don't know if you remember, but we were teammates in Wreckless and (I think) Carried! Glad to see you're back man
My IGN was [WLS]Sam./[WLS]moke.
[USER="23312049"]Pyrex00[/USER] remember this guy?
Oh yeah I remember , great to see you. If you want we can move things up
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