Increase storage space and add a button to hide duplicate weapons


like the title already says I want more space in my storage, I keep getting messages that there is not enough space to move my new won weapons in my storage.

The second and more important suggestion is a hide function so dupes or selected weapons wont show in storage until i press that button again.


  • About the increase storage we have already an item, you can find it in Item shop (Storage Expansion ticket) increase storage capacity by 100 times..this is pretty good actually +1 for the button delete duplicate weapons, i made kinda the same suggestion for the ZM items
  • About the increase storage we have already an item, you can find it in Item shop (Storage Expansion ticket) increase storage capacity by 100 times..this is pretty good actually +1 for the button delete duplicate weapons, i made kinda the same suggestion for the ZM items

    I thought I could only buy that once, thank you very much. And actually I don't really want to delete them, just hide so my storage doesn't look that messy.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »

    I thought I could only buy that once, thank you very much. And actually I don't really want to delete them, just hide so my storage doesn't look that messy.

    I thought it could only be bought once too due to what it says in-game. However, I had sent in a support ticket about the issue of storage and duplicates and was informed there that it could be bought up to 3 times.
  • Ixith wrote: »

    I thought it could only be bought once too due to what it says in-game. However, I had sent in a support ticket about the issue of storage and duplicates and was informed there that it could be bought up to 3 times.

    Bought it like 10 times and it worked