(InGame) report systeme

hi ! Merry christmas ! We need a in game report systeme and every one should agree!!
need a gm answer here pls .. and in the mutation mass new map we cant save replay so we cant report theme... finally there is a lag trick that some players are using. U need to patch this. This is annoying. Overall its a really fun game and i like it !!! Thx for reply! See ya


  • We do not need an ingame report system since most of the reports will be done just because of rage and madness because of someone being better.
  • You wrong! Its the easyest way to ban Those hac.ker
  • I don't think I am wrong. Let's just look at this from the outside, player a gets killed multiple times by player b. He gets mad and rages. 1 death later he reports player b. Player B plays this game for 10 years and has a good experience.
    This scenario is so common and tbh it happens to me almost every game. People insult me and call me a hacker just because i killed them a few times.
    Obvious Hackers will be caught anyway, there is no need for an ingame report system.
  • Right some of theme will do fake report u right but for exemple i am an active player and i see REAL hac.ker every day and guess what i dont report theme cause i am tired it takes too much time. And guess what if it Was a in game report system i would report theme but seriously ur opinion sound like let theme cheat to my ears and really in alll other games there is a ingame report systeme and it work so ur opinion sounds wrong to my ear sorry but im not 13 i dont care when someone is better than me i care about real hac.kers that i will not report cause its a waste of time and They will use a alt account. And i am not the only one thinking about that . We have a good community but give us à chance cause hac.k is everywhere on this game . And for info i only play hm hmx and escape and there is a lot of ha.cker everyday in our room .. annoying