Happy New Year 2020: December 31 - January 1

Attention Mercenaries,

Another year has come and passed, shooting your friends and avoiding those pesky mutants and zombies. Its time to ring in the New Year with CrossFire, and get crates and boosts for doing so!

On December 31 and January 1, get 200% EXP & GP all day!

Playing during that New Years countdown? Receive 2020% EXP & GP when you play you game during these times!

4:50pm - 5:10pm
5:50pm - 6:10pm
6:50pm - 7:10pm
7:50pm - 8:10pm
8:50pm - 9:10pm
9:50pm - 10:10pm
10:50pm - 11:10pm
11:50pm - 12:10am
12:50am - 1:10am
1:50am - 2:10am
2:50am - 3:10am

Please note that all above times are in EST!

Additionally, play 60 minutes during this event, and you'll bring in the decade with 5 New Year 2015 Crates!

Happy New Year, Mercenaries!

-CrossFire Team

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