ESL Crossfire West


With this post I would like to suggest bringing Crossfire back to the ESL.

You could make the game more interesting by letting Crossfire West return to the ESL. I see no reason why we should wait several months to play a competetive tournament once a month. If you want the game to become more active again, then the ESL must come back. Crossfire EU has just become inactive because the game has been removed from the ESL. The game is honestly extremely boring without tournaments and not only do I see it that way.


  • -1 why back to esl when you can do the following:

    1. talk to other competitive organisers, maybe something awesome could come up like a faceit hub. (faceit is mainly CS)
    2. do it on your own, just like your normal esports stuff (
    3. make an ingame "esl/esports" like tournament mode/gamemode so the community can make its own leagues and stuff.

    Don't get me wrong, I like ESL and their work a lot, but other partners may do a better job with CF.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »
    -1 why back to esl when you can do the following:

    1. talk to other competitive organisers, maybe something awesome could come up like a faceit hub. (faceit is mainly CS)
    2. do it on your own, just like your normal esports stuff (
    3. make an ingame "esl/esports" like tournament mode/gamemode so the community can make its own leagues and stuff.

    Don't get me wrong, I like ESL and their work a lot, but other partners may do a better job with CF.

    Which other partners do you mean, since there isn't any atm. I mean a 3rd party partner would be cool. Let's give the competitive scene another go.
  • wrote:

    Which other partners do you mean, since there isn't any atm. I mean a 3rd party partner would be cool. Let's give the competitive scene another go.

    Well depending on other esports titles you have many league hosting sites. For example faceit, esea, esl are the 3 biggest ones for counterstrike. Faceit also features PUBG and more. There are also some nationsl organisers running their own leagues like 99damage does a complete league system for german counterstrike scene.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »

    Well depending on other esports titles you have many league hosting sites. For example faceit, esea, esl are the 3 biggest ones for counterstrike. Faceit also features PUBG and more. There are also some nationsl organisers running their own leagues like 99damage does a complete league system for german counterstrike scene.

    what you're saying makes no sense. Since you said you don't want ESL but then you use it as an expample for others games?
  • wrote:

    what you're saying makes no sense. Since you said you don't want ESL but then you use it as an expample for others games?

    ESL is just listed as an example. As we talked over Discord, the main idea to make the competitive scene great again is good, but only approaching esl and ignoring all other possible partners would be nonsense and prevent many improvements on the old ladder system and stuff.
  • Frmtkk wrote: »

    ESL is just listed as an example. As we talked over Discord, the main idea to make the competitive scene great again is good, but only approaching esl and ignoring all other possible partners would be nonsense and prevent many improvements on the old ladder system and stuff.

    Yep let's go all the way for the competitive scene. And it's also nice that we could clarify the miss understood.