PSA: Be careful what ZM rooms you join!
So, today I joined a random zm game in progress on Titan Citadel. I loaded in as the first boss died. nbd I'll take the head start. I run to the next area and start shooting zombies when I realize something is funky. There's a cheater wrecking every zombie before it lands (this is at the part with the train) anyway I'm standing there laughing at the state of cheaters in the game right now when suddenly the room crashes. Pretty common occurrence in CF, business as usual right? Wrong. I try to log back in and I get a message that I'm banned. I figured it was a bugged error message or something so I try again and same thing. 14 day ban for randomly joining a zm game with a cheater in it. Nice. I don't use cheats, I hate cheaters, I don't know this cheater in the room. If you could look at my account you'd see hacking reports going back since 2009. And yet, here I am... banned. Because some random loser used cheats in a room I joined.
I won't rant about how ridiculous it is that an innocent player can be banned for SOMEONE ELSE cheating. That much should be obvious to anyone with half a brain. I'm just writing this thread to warn the community to be careful. The admins WILL BAN INNOCENT PLAYERS for having the misfortune of joining a room with a cheater in it. Be careful out there, CFers!
I'm off to play a good game for 2 weeks. Later
I won't rant about how ridiculous it is that an innocent player can be banned for SOMEONE ELSE cheating. That much should be obvious to anyone with half a brain. I'm just writing this thread to warn the community to be careful. The admins WILL BAN INNOCENT PLAYERS for having the misfortune of joining a room with a cheater in it. Be careful out there, CFers!
I'm off to play a good game for 2 weeks. Later
I don’t think it was the right decision making a thread blaming GM’s did you try writing a ticket ? Maybe you’re banned by mistake. Give it a shot writing a ticket. You should be 100% sure that you’re banned for that reason before you write such a post.
Toxic;n6917207]I never heard of, being in a room with a cheater gets you banned. Especially when it comes to ZM where you can’t kick players. That’s strange. I recommend sending another ticket and explaining the situation step by step.
Yep, it's so silly you wouldn't even have thought it was a thing. I already sent another ticket. I doubt it will help. -
[QUOTE=[MOD]Abel;n6917211]I can tell you now that the GMs don't ban players unless they have 100% proof. This means multiple or singular reports of replays sent to Support.[/QUOTE]
But, you can't save replays in ZM? If you could I would save them and report the cheaters myself. It was one game that I joined in progress. It was the first game of Titan citadel I've played in ages because I've been grinding the 12 days of Christmas event. -
so randomly join a room with a hacker in ZM and in that same match you suddenly get error and a 15 day ban or whatever? yea that's not how it works. I 100% guarantee you're leaving information out of this such as your ranked play history. But doubt that'll be shown.
1st off just cause you got the ban while playing ZM doesnt mean it involved that ZM. 2ndly Outside of discord server live reporting you wouldn't get instant banned like that for a game you just joined. 3rdly pretty sure "queuing with hackers" is reserved for ranked queus not general public games. I might be wrong on that but people don't generally call it queuing in public games. But it also makes a lot more sense. Players build up multiple replays and everything else that shows you played consistently with a hacker in ranked and/or traded your weapon with them consistently in a match despite it being an obvious hacker. -
so randomly join a room with a hacker in ZM and in that same match you suddenly get error and a 15 day ban or whatever? yea that's not how it works. I 100% guarantee you're leaving information out of this such as your ranked play history. But doubt that'll be shown.
1st off just cause you got the ban while playing ZM doesnt mean it involved that ZM. 2ndly Outside of discord server live reporting you wouldn't get instant banned like that for a game you just joined. 3rdly pretty sure "queuing with hackers" is reserved for ranked queus not general public games. I might be wrong on that but people don't generally call it queuing in public games. But it also makes a lot more sense. Players build up multiple replays and everything else that shows you played consistently with a hacker in ranked and/or traded your weapon with them consistently in a match despite it being an obvious hacker.
I don't know what to tell you chief. I played maybe 5 games of the 1v1 ranked mode to check it out when the season started and haven't touched it since. I certainly never teamed up with a hacker to play ranked or otherwise and I definitely never gave one a weapon. It had to be a real-time ban for being in ZM with a cheater because it literally happened within a minute of me realizing there was a cheater in the room in the first place. The reason for banning was "queueing with hackers" according to the support ticket and that's the only hacker I saw that day other than one on the opposite team in a TDM game earlier. I've been playing this game since 2009 with my honorable soldier ribbon intact since the beginning. I was literally banned for joining a ZM game with a cheater in it. Believe what you want.
edit: Here's my profile if you want to check my ranked stats . I don't really play ranked. I placed gold in one or two older seasons to get a nade and things like that and that's about it. -
That's terrible news but not impossible. I was banned for 14 days too back in June 19 just because I called my opponent camper but I used "F" word with it. The opponent team had one of the GM's fav. player and he told me I will be banned because I used "F" word. I laughed it off but he said I will be banned for sure. After 2 days, I was really banned for violation of their TOS. The game which is filled with hackers and wallers and none of them has ever gotten ban, banned me because I used F word. Even if you report a blatant hacker then they still don't get banned but the GM's one of the Favorite players was sure that I will be banned which alone speaks a lot about this game. I asked GMs what about the egys who use <removed>, K words and many other insults shouldn't they ban them all too? Why they banned me that time? The answer is obvious the GM's Boot l!cker asked the GMs to ban me otherwise they would never ban anyone for such stupid reason.
You got banned but I guarantee you that hacker would still be free. You can't challenge the support centre because they believe you were with hacker. There is no such option as appeal. Support Centre is entirely useless and they respond with the same answer every time. Nepotism is clearly visible in this game's management.
This was just one example. Few days ago, I asked administration that I was banned during June for stupid reason which I shared above, due to which I wasn’t able to get June’s Monthly Mixup reward of AWM 10th Anniversary. I took my case to barracks section of Discord CF channel but the Mod Bunni started arguing with me that I deserve it because I was banned. Despite telling him that ban was unfair and It was beyond my abilities to complete 26 days event when I was banned for 14 days. Well, that bunni<removed>muted me from discord for 7 days just because of that. That’s how the game is running currently. I feel really bad for you. It wasn’t your fault that the hacker played with you. Administration should keep that in their mind. They should rather focus on banning hackers instead of players who are playing this game for 10 years. They never treat veteran players what they deserve! -
That's terrible news but not impossible. I was banned for 14 days too back in June 19 just because I called my opponent camper but I used "F" word with it. The opponent team had one of the GM's fav. player and he told me I will be banned because I used "F" word. I laughed it off but he said I will be banned for sure. After 2 days, I was really banned for violation of their TOS. The game which is filled with hackers and wallers and none of them has ever gotten ban, banned me because I used F word. Even if you report a blatant hacker then they still don't get banned but the GM's one of the Favorite players was sure that I will be banned which alone speaks a lot about this game. I asked GMs what about the egys who use <removed>, K words and many other insults shouldn't they ban them all too? Why they banned me that time? The answer is obvious the GM's Boot l!cker asked the GMs to ban me otherwise they would never ban anyone for such stupid reason.
You got banned but I guarantee you that hacker would still be free. You can't challenge the support centre because they believe you were with hacker. There is no such option as appeal. Support Centre is entirely useless and they respond with the same answer every time. Nepotism is clearly visible in this game's management.
This was just one example. Few days ago, I asked administration that I was banned during June for stupid reason which I shared above, due to which I wasn’t able to get June’s Monthly Mixup reward of AWM 10th Anniversary. I took my case to barracks section of Discord CF channel but the Mod Bunni started arguing with me that I deserve it because I was banned. Despite telling him that ban was unfair and It was beyond my abilities to complete 26 days event when I was banned for 14 days. Well, that bunni <removed>muted me from discord for 7 days just because of that. That’s how the game is running currently. I feel really bad for you. It wasn’t your fault that the hacker played with you. Administration should keep that in their mind. They should rather focus on banning hackers instead of players who are playing this game for 10 years. They never treat veteran players what they deserve!
Wait, wait, wait. There is no such as GM FAVORITE PLAYER.
Toxic Behavior. Is banable since I ever started playing this game. And everyone who reports you for that violation can get you banned. It dosen’t meant because person ***. Reported you you got banned. You got just banned because you broke the rules. And that’s it, also about the discord. If you cause drama after someone told you to stop. It’s normal that you get muted. -
Yeah I got banned 15 days playing zm also got the same reply. Queuing with a hacker makes no sense really. When people complain about people queuing with a hacker in rank what do u do GM you ignore. Your logic makes no sense whatsoever. Before you all start saying I played with a hacker I didn't know he was hacking until the very last boss because he was hiding it. Whatever 2 weeks to enjoy other games seems nice but losing honorable ribbon well whatever. Yes I am GM I care about pve hackers come on fucos on rank unplayable but hey that just me. I am not GM I am stating a point*
[QUOTE=[MOD]Abel;n6917211]I can tell you now that the GMs don't ban players unless they have 100% proof. This means multiple or singular reports of replays sent to Support.[/QUOTE]
Only a mod would say that. Yes they do how the headshot would you know. They banned me because they was a hacker in my zm game I can confirm for u everyone that was in my game got 15 days banned. -
IGN_Galaxy wrote: »Sad to see this, but I also saw something like this, and when I reported, the hacker did not get a ban or the one responsible for this and I have facts to prove that he is responsible
Galaxy this is your second time to accuse players in public i don't think it a good idea ! As accusing players in public isn't allowed keep evidence for yourself don't share them with players and also about action against this one or the hacker according to CF policy you won't know what happened to them so please don't accuse same one more and more we talked about accusing ppl in public in your thread before -
OK, if they are truly banning people for joining a random game, they have gone overboard. I could understand it, if it was a room with cheat-advertising. Otherwise how would you know that it is a hacker in there. When i saw another thread with this, I thought that they were lying or trolling, but it seem to have happened to several players now. If they are going to ban people for this, they have to ban everyone who have ever played rank.JackPain (Sweden)
Painanator wrote: »OK, if they are truly banning people for joining a random game, they have gone overboard. I could understand it, if it was a room with cheat-advertising. Otherwise how would you know that it is a hacker in there. When i saw another thread with this, I thought that they were lying or trolling, but it seem to have happened to several players now. If they are going to ban people for this, they have to ban everyone who have ever played rank.
About banning players in ranked who deal with hack not join randomly it happened for someone i know last season he invited hack and he got banned for last season in ranked but when they investigated they found that he invited him not joinning randomly with him -
About banning players in ranked who deal with hack not join randomly it happened for someone i know last season he invited hack and he got banned for last season in ranked but when they investigated they found that he invited him not joinning randomly with him
Invite is one thing, but random joining shouldn't be punished.JackPain (Sweden) -
Hey guys! Lets clear up a few things:
Firstly please do not accuse people here, or post ticket responses.
But secondly yes, if you play a game with a hacker in ZM, and knowingly and willingly stay in that game to reap the rewards of completion on the hackers behalf, then you may be punished as well. Especially if that room is passworded, and especially if its literally the only room on a server where nobody else is logged in except the people playing in that room. At that point you didn't randomly happen on a hacker, you would have had to knowingly go to the right empty server, pick the right empty channel, and join the sole game there.
However, all that being said, please keep this to tickets, and if you're one of these people please do not try to benefit off of someone cheating.
This discussion has been closed.
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