Duplicated weapons

Since we're getting a lot of events where the same crates as reward, so chance to get a duplicate is always bigger. I kinda wish if we could turn our duplicates weapons in for something back.
What I like to see:
-25 crate tickets for the non time limited crates
-50 crate tickets for the time limited crates
What i mean is with the time limited, is the crates that has a duration. Like the newest crate (the noel weapons)


  • At the start of Black Friday sales event Grumpy was in discord chat and I asked him if he knew of any plans for handling duplicates yet. He said "plan for next year". So something is in the works. He obviously couldnt say what and there's no definitive for sure happening. But something is in the works it sounds like but it won't be january. Probably closer to the middle of the year.

    That doesnt mean they cant do a special event....but more than likely they won't due to I believe it was a policy where they won't mess/remove with player inventories. And if they know there's going to be a system to remove them...they'll likely just wait anyways.
  • If they do add something to handle dupes, I hope it will be something that can remove/exchange the weapons that's already in the storage and not just in the black market win storage
  • Ixith wrote: »
    At the start of Black Friday sales event Grumpy was in discord chat and I asked him if he knew of any plans for handling duplicates yet. He said "plan for next year". So something is in the works. He obviously couldnt say what and there's no definitive for sure happening. But something is in the works it sounds like but it won't be january. Probably closer to the middle of the year.

    That doesnt mean they cant do a special event....but more than likely they won't due to I believe it was a policy where they won't mess/remove with player inventories. And if they know there's going to be a system to remove them...they'll likely just wait anyways.

    meh I won't know... since i am not in the discord server ;P, but thanks for letting me know.
  • I would love to exchange some duplicates. So +1
  • +1

    I hope your suggestion includes zm rewards duplicates.

    I have 3 m4's and 2 ak's and 2 mini monster,I wish I could've exchange each of them for even 20 crate tickets

    I also have 3 ak's gold knife from slaughter ticket I hope I could exchange 2 of them as well for something (rip shovel) ;(
  • IronMan_X wrote: »

    I hope your suggestion includes zm rewards duplicates.

    I have 3 m4's and 2 ak's and 2 mini monster,I wish I could've exchange each of them for even 20 crate tickets

    I also have 3 ak's gold knife from slaughter ticket I hope I could exchange 2 of them as well for something (rip shovel) ;(

    I was talking only about BM weapons. I dont see why a free weapon would be able exchangeable for tickets
  • Hope we can see a duplicate weapon exchange option either by getting a different weapon from the same crate, free crate tickets or more crates. If they just add an option to remove duplicates without getting anything in return it will be a total fail.
  • Wait, the main Loma000 will come !!! Which knows more than administration, and will give unnecessary advice ! He certainly knows the answers to all questions.And so,I too for this idea.
  • PorBiejin wrote: »
    Hope we can see a duplicate weapon exchange option either by getting a different weapon from the same crate, free crate tickets or more crates. If they just add an option to remove duplicates without getting anything in return it will be a total fail.

    Nah, i dont see them doing this. Since it would be a giant waste of time if they make a system for deleting duplicates.... I rather have duplicates in my storage than throw them away for nothing back
  • For the big whale donators that is definitely needed so +1 even if I am not one :P
    The game needs the mega donators to stay alive.