Cheaters dictate the game

Let's face it, this game is slowly dying over the years. I sometimes come back every few months to check up on the game, but I've been seeing an increase amount of cheaters on the game(mostly Egyptians) and nothing is ever being done about it. Not gonna lie, it's a big turn off seeing how a game we once turned to for enjoyment, is now a bowl of mixed emotions and frustration.

I won't be naming any names, but I always see the same damn accounts using hacks everyday with no consequences. I used to report at least 4 a day, but stopped doing them because all of the reports haven't been looked at for 3+ years. Some even still play today. Seems like Z8games have given up and allowed cheaters to take over the game. You guys are really quick to release new zp crates w/ abysmal rates, but when it comes to the state of the game, you turn a blind eye.

First thing to note is that vote kick system is proven to never work unless you're playing in a room with a majority being friends/clanmates to f11 for you. Any other situation, you're pretty much screwed because the other team is brain dead or wants to keep the hacker to win. And NO - suggesting people should only play with friends is not a solution. People play at different times, sometimes different days, and it's not always possible to constantly have a full room of friends. What I do think should've been done was to make Mods useful in-game for once. As of now, they're just title holders with no power whatsoever. That means Z8 should grant mods the power to temporarily block other users. Of course, this kind of authority may be subject to heavy abuse, but it's not like anyone could become a Mod. If Z8 trusts the current Mods with forum powers, then I don't see how it can't be done the same for in-game.

Even if cheaters are getting banned, it's very difficult to convince a community that does not trust you. People have lost faith in reporting a long time ago because you chose to throw in the towel. I get that you're trying to milk the players and pretend like everything is fine, but you can't be any more subtle than that. If the GM doesn't want to do their job properly, at least appoint the most capable ones to fill in that role for you(Mods).

Z8games can consider them extremely fortunate to even have any NA players left. 2019 is coming to a close, at a time where the average person would gladly turn away from CrossFire and never look back. Why wouldn't they when there are a plethora of other great triple A games to choose from? I'm only making this post because CF was a game that I grew up with back in 2009 and has become one of the more sentimental FPS games. The time when Z8 stops seeing these "pointless" rant threads is when the game is truly dead. I don't expect any higher-ups to read this post, but felt like I need to express my thoughts to the community.


  • Everything you said is truly describing current state of game.
    To me, player that is playing since March 2009, it's just sad to see game being bad as now. I played other games for short time, but always coming back to this game, event I don't know why.
    Throwing so much money on this game over years, and looking how it's going down, and z8 doing nothing to make it actually better.
    Long time ago this become heavy pay2win game, but this is unbelievable how is it now, it's proved that they made harder to win zp crates, but they always say it's based only on luck blabla..
    Same errors happening for years, thousands of people complaining, but there is no one to hear them and actually make something better.
  • I've just come by to check the status of this game after years. It's a shame that they continued to abandon this game to this date. It was my first online shooter and I really hoped that SG and Z8 would take better care of it but nope. They just continued to shove down premium weapons down our throats and call it a day. Refusing to use a single cent to make the game any better.

    For as long as I've been playing this game, there were always 3 posts on Barracks talking about hackers. And to this day, we still have 3+ posts on the first page talking about hackers.
    This is one of the strongest F2P shooters out there, or at least it could have been. Now we have to just wait for CF2 to actually come out. Rather than this broken one that was given a coat of paint and nothing else.
  • right, support is banning legit players for insulting a stupid hacker and keeps the hacker in game! GREAT GREAT JOKE how support is working (or not!). Not able to handle the cheaters in any way!!!!!!!!!! Never seen such a band supported game like this version of CF.....but its dead anyway, they should change the name in Cheatfire or better "Shitfire"! Worst support ever!
  • What a great post. I had one up 2 days ago but guess what, it was taken down by the mod with a B.S of a reason which I will post just need to jump on the PC.

    What makes me even more angry is there are players on here up so far up every single mods ass that they keep commenting "leave them alone, it's not their fault" but the bottom line is it is their fault. All to get a bloody ribbon.... It's their job to ban hackers and when they downt they are not doing their job properly. I'm sure you will all agree that in the real world if you dont do your job properly you get fired and the someone who is capable to do the job gets put in that place. I know for a fact that's what my boss would do so why should it be any different here.

    As TheRipper43 said, I know so many people who got banned for insulting the hackers I've lost count but the funny thing is that the hacker who was being abused still has his H.S badge on the profile, yet the innocent person who just wants to enjoy the game has lost thay badge.

    Z8, GM and Mods should be ashamed of themselves for ruining this game!!!