Looking for a NA clan
I am looking for a NA clan
I play mostly S&D
With communications
I have a mic
I am a 2009 player trying to get my old account back
Just looking to chill and game
Just started a new account today after 4 year break
I play mostly S&D
With communications
I have a mic
I am a 2009 player trying to get my old account back
Just looking to chill and game
Just started a new account today after 4 year break
What’s up bro? I’d definitely pick you up on the team - "xvBlitz"
Additionally, we've got a forum post so you can get an idea of our playstyle or objective..
(link #2)
We've got skill, but majority of us just play casually. We get sweaty when we've got to though
What’s your time zone bro?? What’s your IGN?
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