Recruiting for a ZM clan
Do you want to clear a Nightmare level of a ceartain map but you just cant seem to find a squad or youre just simply being kicked because of your rank? Look no further because you've come to the right place.
Im looking for people who are atleast willing to use their abilities(we've all played a game w 7 other people who aren't willing to use their abilities for whatever reason)
Clan Name:ZMOutcasts
Im looking for people who are atleast willing to use their abilities(we've all played a game w 7 other people who aren't willing to use their abilities for whatever reason)
Clan Name:ZMOutcasts
Are u kidding me? Just because u figured out how to clear Nightmare on Titan, u are able to create zm clan??
There so many better clans> ZOMBOID, ZmTyrants, ZmforLife - maybe some more, but the others are usually inactive or supposed to play events only^^ freaking shiny weapons, which are attracting the Hotheads to play 24/7 XD -
Are u kidding me? Just because u figured out how to clear Nightmare on Titan, u are able to create zm clan??
There so many better clans> ZOMBOID, ZmTyrants, ZmforLife - maybe some more, but the others are usually inactive or supposed to play events only^^ freaking shiny weapons, which are attracting the Hotheads to play 24/7 XD
Leave him looking, maybe in the future, to have a good clan
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