few ideas for collections


I have few ideas in mind for new collections that might help lots of players to get that new ribbon.

I don't have any issues with money (I have more than 30 vips),I only though that it would be nice if there'd be also collections that are not zp based (I assume you already noticed 100% of the collections are zp based and not everyone are willing to win "10 red dragon weapons" or "8 peony weapons" with the current win rate just for a ribbon)


1.a collection for collect all the 3 golden weapons of the 200 coupons tier
2.a camo gp collection - for collect all the camo weapons from the gp black market(p90 camo/de camo/m16 camo/ak camo...total of 4 camo weapons)
3.a collection for own both ak buster+m4 laser

That's it for now I might be adding another things if they'll come through my head

Thank you for reading :)


  • The camo GP collection would be a good choice.
    For the gold weapons, I would like to see a collection for both Gold-weapons and the Ultimate-Goldsmith weapons, but they won't be all free weapons then, but still.
    Another weapon skin that comes to mind, is the Nobel-Silver collection, that to my knowledge has all been free in some way (MP, Honor-Points etc).
    Then we have the five weapons you can get as a Master-Reward for ranked games. You have to work for them, but they are free.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Agree with you about these collections but the last example + GG wild shot should be added to this example as it also obtained from ZM as a permanent one