Up Lucky rate in Black market to get more Players + Auto Fire in ZM mode + Stop Thief

Today i want to tell you Something i Play ZM tooo much cus i love it and i played +500 games and still playing can u add in ZM mode Pls add this Mod in ZM Mode

-Auto Fire Mode Turn ON/OFF by Click P or O or U

-i love to play Black Market but its very hard to won weapons in Black Market

- Can u Up Lucky Rate in Black Market to let players Won Weapons Easy?

- You Can Stop Thiefs ! and Save Too much Accs! How? Very Easy

now u have 1 Acc

ID BlaBLa-


u can make 2 Password for Acc

First Password for Web

second Password For Game


Password in Web:hehera

Password In Game:Ahadf

now if ur acc someone stole it he will cant open Web to change it..

and that is it i hope You Add Auto Fire in ZM mode i play too much and will play more and more Zm in new maps and old maps can You add this Pls Gms if u hear me pls add this


  • Like we want you here? get lost already...
  • -1 for auto fire, learn to play that will solve this.
    +1 on higher winrates
    -1 on your account stuff, just choose a secure password and you will never loose your account
  • The auto-fire mode in ZM seems like a joke but it's actually a very good idea. I remember playing a lot of ZM3 when I first started the game; I liked it at first and later played it to farm items. After a while (around 3 weeks) I had to limit my play time to 1 hour / day because my pointing finger which used for left clicking was hurting. What do you expect from pressing it all day long for many days? It will hurt obviously.

    Some people may think this feature will be exploited, however professional botters don't need auto-fire feature because they already have auto-start/auto-join; auto-fire, auto-jump etc.
  • MGTOW wrote: »
    The auto-fire mode in ZM seems like a joke but it's actually a very good idea. I remember playing a lot of ZM3 when I first started the game; I liked it at first and later played it to farm items. After a while (around 3 weeks) I had to limit my play time to 1 hour / day because my pointing finger which used for left clicking was hurting. What do you expect from pressing it all day long for many days? It will hurt obviously.

    Some people may think this feature will be exploited, however professional botters don't need auto-fire feature because they already have auto-start/auto-join; auto-fire, auto-jump etc.

    If your finger hurts because of this try not to press your mousbutton to death^^
  • -1 for auto fire mode
    Learn how to aim it so simple
    +1 for Better win rate
    For last suggestion you need strong password and it wont be issue
    However i would like to see two factor authentication bcs a lot of gaming companies are having it
  • Frmtkk wrote: »
    -1 for auto fire, learn to play that will solve this.
    +1 on higher winrates
    -1 on your account stuff, just choose a secure password and you will never loose your account

    if You Give Your Acc to friend or anyone .. if he change Password u will get it back?

    and u dont have Firsts Or Gmail to get it back
  • Frmtkk wrote: »
    -1 for auto fire, learn to play that will solve this.
    +1 on higher winrates
    -1 on your account stuff, just choose a secure password and you will never loose your account

    Auto Fire is Very good idea its in Many Games.. Like PUBG .. and More.. and its ZM! 10 mins Per room at least U will Hold Mouse 10 mins? what is happend if u want to play +100 games per Day?
  • junkgms wrote: »
    Like we want you here? get lost already...

    What do You mean?
  • MGTOW wrote: »
    The auto-fire mode in ZM seems like a joke but it's actually a very good idea. I remember playing a lot of ZM3 when I first started the game; I liked it at first and later played it to farm items. After a while (around 3 weeks) I had to limit my play time to 1 hour / day because my pointing finger which used for left clicking was hurting. What do you expect from pressing it all day long for many days? It will hurt obviously.

    Some people may think this feature will be exploited, however professional botters don't need auto-fire feature because they already have auto-start/auto-join; auto-fire, auto-jump etc.

    This is What i talking About .. If you Want to play +100 games per day what u gonna Do? and every game take 10mins~15Mins.. U will hold click Mouse for 15 mins per 1 game? 1 game easy to hold nothing happend to Fingers But what about +100 games?
  • Its Great idea +1 Auto Fire in ZM

    i Play like 30 or 50 games Zm per day and S.d And much more if u make Auto Zm Fire this will be good ..

    and about Black Market i like to buy Crates but lucky Rate is very low if its Up there is players will come to play game again there is many Players stop playing CF cus Low lucky Rate
  • +11111 Auto Fire in Zm
    +1 Up lucky rate in Black market
    There is players Play zm for many games ! Like CARON top 1
    Played +3013 Games! and Like Arnabeta +2950 Games! and me +324 Games
  • Ye Keep Spaming guys to Let Devs .. See it and do it Next Update!
  • dogjdo wrote: »

    if You Give Your Acc to friend or anyone .. if he change Password u will get it back?

    and u dont have Firsts Or Gmail to get it back

    It's forbidden to share accounts with others, so that is a bad argument for it.

    Auto-Fire is a thing that I am neither for or against. I wouldn't mind if other people used it, but i would never, as i see no need for it. If this were a MMO-RPG where you have to mash 1-2-3-4 continually to trigger attacks at every monster you face several times, I would be for it. For ZM here it's less useful, as ZM is one of the most casual modes in the game, where it's actually good to spray with most weapons, there is no need to tap-tap fire over and over again.

    If you are playing +100 games a day of ZM, you should probably search for help, for PC-gaming addiction. Personally I only put in that kind of time at a couple of LAN's long ago and then we were playing for money, for most kills in 24H.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • even if someone will stole your acc, he can not change it on web.
    because you can use with email address and recover it.

    so -1
  • tem777 wrote: »
    even if someone will stole your acc, he can not change it on web.
    because you can use with email address and recover it.

    so -1

    if u dont have Email.. Or Firsts Acc what u gonna do?
  • dogjdo wrote: »

    if u dont have Email.. Or Firsts Acc what u gonna do?

    what do you mean if i don't have email?
    all acc has emails.
  • - create ur own autofire with a gamermouse.

    - -1 winrate is good as it is. otherwise every single Player would ingame run around with a zp weapon. so its basically Nothing unique or Special anymore to own zp weapons.

    - +/-1 2 Passwords are for me too confused. type ingame ur webpassword cant Login cause wrong Password - spam the support, i think my account got stolen,
    otherwise i would suggest to implement your own phonenumber as the only way to Change your Password by confirm a security Code send to your phonenumber.

    i dont understand why we dont get this. i mean. even when you Login on razer zgold and want to deposit Money on your zvault account, you get a security Code to your registered phonenumber. without this Code you cant deposit…..
  • tem777 wrote: »

    what do you mean if i don't have email?
    all acc has emails.

    bro if u like me now u have Ur Acc in CF .. and UR Gmail got Ban ! and Ur Firsts is not with U what u gonna do?

    my Gmail got Ban and i cannot change it

  • dogjdo wrote: »

    bro if u like me now u have Ur Acc in CF .. and UR Gmail got Ban ! and Ur Firsts is not with U what u gonna do?

    my Gmail got Ban and i cannot change it


    so you have 2 problems the same time right?
    of course if you don't have access to your mail you can not recover you acc.
    not many of users have problem like this.
    many of them know his own mail.
  • I don't agree with auto fire as may players will use bots for it and they will farm it about win rate i think it isn't bad so it's acceptable