Could we show some love to ranked TDM?

S&D is good and fine, but its get restrictive when you can only play ranked S&D(only knife also).. even in prime time.
And i am pretty average in S&D, i admit.

Could we get some event to reinvigorate TDM and other ranked mods... maybe adding even FFA ranked?

Thank you for your time.


  • It's definitely true that TDM isn't appreciated enough.

    I think the problem is that there's too many options. The playerbase is divided between five modes so finding enough players takes a long time. No one wants to wait twenty minutes just to start one match so no one bothers even staying registered. I'd like to see ranked seasons catering to one mode per season. Have one season of only TDM, then one season of only S&D, then TDM Knife, et cetera.
  • +1 to show ranked tdm some love. But they should make an event about ranked tdm, not remove other modes to force players into tdm
  • Even though ranked TDM is supposed to be more fun, it's not appreciated because:

    1) Weapon imbalance affects the outcome too much
    2) Wallers win and not easy to detect

    can't expect more from a dying game.
  • MGTOW wrote: »
    Even though ranked TDM is supposed to be more fun, it's not appreciated because:

    1) Weapon imbalance affects the outcome too much
    2) Wallers win and not easy to detect

    can't expect more from a dying game.

    but two question..
    1. what weapons are imbalance? (please don't type TMP or 9A91 ... just look at S&D ranked, AK47 and M4A1 players rule, they even rule in every other mode, not in HMX.
    especially AK47, when you learn the recoil you are one tap machine.
    and VIP weps reload just a bit quicker.

    2. there are players who use h*acks in every mod. why detecting them in TDM would be different then in any other mod?