On-Call GM on Weekends During Ranked Season

Ranked Season has become a very important part of our daily CF experience. Especially for competitive players, it's a great way to satisfy our need for adrenaline and enjoyable matches.

What bothers us most is though, that most of us are working or otherwise occupied during the week which gives us the weekends to enjoy uninterrupted hours in game. Unfortunately, especially in ranked matches, the number of players known as 'weekend heroes', the ones who sadly resort to using hack in order to gain points and thus STEAL POINTS from legit players who have spent hours and effort on earning it, increase as there are no GameMasters working on the weekends to check the live hack reports.
I and many players with whom I play, enjoy and cherish this game dearly, but it makes us feel like customers rather than part of a community to see that we only get support during the week.

It would be an enormous sign of how much the GMs and the decision-makers really care about our in-game experience and joy of use if it was possible that starting from season 10, there will be at least 1 GameMaster checking hack reports during the weekend.

Alternatively, I think most players would agree with me if there were GMs working for a better game experience during the weekends and instead taking Monday/Tuesday off.

I hope that numerous approval of this suggestion from the community will make you and the administrative team consider this suggestion and implement it as soon as possible.


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