Please don't SHUT DOWN the game!!!!
I have been playing this game on and off since middle school, now I graduated college, sure there are other games out there, but i have so much memories and I met one of my best friend in this game. Sure this game is getting a little old, but I hope this game can hang on at least a year or 2. Please don't shut the game GM! Thank you.
Kevin;n6912880]I mean with Crossfire 2 being released in China, it's only a matter of time until it comes to NA and this game fully vanishes.
I think crossfire 2 will be a totally separate game. The servers of crossfire will stay up, because CF will still be supported (if the players keep on buying ''micro'' transactions.)
If a product makes profit, no reason to stop selling it. -
Isn't it Crossfire HD that is being released in China for beta-testing now? not CF2. Anyway...
1.They don't like us discussing other CF games.
2.Even if it's being released in China now, it might take up to 2 years to be released in the rest of the world.
3.I too was fearing that CF-West would close a couple of months ago. But I think the likelihood of that is small, at least for the coming year.
They have started to invest more time into the game, like the new profile-page and other stuff. If this game closes I think it's a big chance that they transfer to one of the upgraded versions of CF and start hosting that one instead. They can't be doing that bad income-wise as there are still a lot of paying players.JackPain (Sweden) -
First thing i want to say: PAINANATOR I LOVE YOU
Secondly, there is also a possibility that it will just west will be transfered on new engine (CF HD) released like a new game with players playing west keeping all the stuff and transfering to HD..Most likely a bs, but hey, it still MIGHT happen..But as Pain said, with the new stuff keep coming (profile page), its most unlikely to shut down in next "x" years.. -
blakbutcher7 wrote: »First thing i want to say: PAINANATOR I LOVE YOU
Secondly, there is also a possibility that it will just west will we transfered on new engine (CF HD) released like a new game with players playing west keeping all the stuff and transfering to HD..Most likely a bs, but hey, it still MIGHT happen..But as Pain said, with the new stuff keep coming (profile page), its most unlikely to shut down in next "x" years..
Well thank you:DPainanator. CF China is info about start transfer profile z CF to CF HD. Write to youtube :CROSSFIRE HD : OFFICIAL LAUNCH DATE ANNOUNCEMENT + PRE - REGISTRATION HAS BEGUN! Will be next year
And thanks for the link tip kikan
From what that video is saying (If it can be trusted, as it isn't official, though I believe you can trust it) It's still only a closed BETA that is released in November with CF turning into CF-HD trough updates beginning in January.
So what can we surmise of that?
First, it only mentions China, so if we are getting HD, it will probably be a long while.
Secondly, CF will be turned slowly into CF-HD via updates, as it looks; it won't just be BOOM a new game, but more like a lot of large patches.
I do hope it's true, as that means our accounts can be transferred.:DJackPain (Sweden) -
Painanator wrote: »
Well thank you:D
And thanks for the link tip kikan
From what that video is saying (If it can be trusted, as it isn't official, though I believe you can trust it) It's still only a closed BETA that is released in November with CF turning into CF-HD trough updates beginning in January.
So what can we surmise of that?
First, it only mentions China, so if we are getting HD, it will probably be a long while.
Secondly, CF will be turned slowly into CF-HD via updates, as it looks; it won't just be BOOM a new game, but more like a lot of large patches.
I do hope it's true, as that means our accounts can be transferred.:D
Haha sorry to pop your bubble man,.. that video mentioned that Current CF content Updates will GRADUALLY decrease untill full shift and focus to CFHD..
I hope the guy that was against someone's idea about having akgold in coupon shop again is happy.. his precious collection will collect dust as we all shift to the new engine next year
EDIT: Smile gate wants to push new Cf has an esports title so thank god no more vips and p2w chars only skins thru cases like csgo -
Haha sorry to pop your bubble man,.. that video mentioned that Current CF content Updates will GRADUALLY decrease untill full shift and focus to CFHD..
I hope the guy that was against someone's idea about having akgold in coupon shop again is happy.. his precious collection will collect dust as we all shift to the new engine next year
EDIT: Smile gate wants to push new Cf has an esports title so thank god no more vips and p2w chars only skins thru cases like csgoWhen the developer of CrossFire want to shut down CF West (what i dont thnik) , they would loose a lot of player. And i will not play CrossFire HD, i like the graphic like it is now ^^
If CF shuts down and there won't be a transfer to CF-HD Smile-Gate will probably lose 50-75 % of their player-base world-wide and not gain that many new players either. People seem to choose crossfire for it's differences compared to other games like CS-GO, not because the things that are alike. Sure CF is free, CS is not, but that isn't the only thing that makes people play CF.
Remember CF is mainly played by an Asian player-base world-wide. No matter how many people here complain about the game being pay2win, they play the game because it is that way, just look through the gaming history of for example China or South Korea and check which type of games that have been played the most trough the years. It isn't games that are purely made for E-sports. Almost all games that are popular there are heavy on the buy-stuff-that-helps-you-ingame. Therefor it would be rather moronic for a company that likes to make money (and makes money through micro-transactions), to shift to a game that only sells skins, so I think the dream of no VVIPs and other stuff is total BS and speculation. Why would a company torpedo itself? Then also remember that just because if CF becomes more centered to E-sports, it does not mean that such things would disappear from the game, only from the Ranked Modes (Which today already have armsdeal mode) and the real competitions (Which doesn't allow such things already). So the things they need to change for it to become more E-sports ready, is stability and better anti-hack.
Remember any news about this that we don't get from the company itself (Not through the mouths of friends) is only speculation and hearsay. So the truth is that we know nothing. Nothing is set in stone yet.
On a personal note, I too care nothing of graphics, the only thing I'm really looking forward to, is stability for newer (and old) gaming rigs. As I play many games from the early 90s, graphics has always been one of the least important things to me.
I still say, if there is no transfer of stuff, I my self will give up on gaming CF and I won't be the only one.JackPain (Sweden) -
Painanator wrote: »
If CF shuts down and there won't be a transfer to CF-HD Smile-Gate will probably lose 50-75 % of their player-base world-wide and not gain that many new players either. People seem to choose crossfire for it's differences compared to other games like CS-GO, not because the things that are alike. Sure CF is free, CS is not, but that isn't the only thing that makes people play CF.
Remember CF is mainly played by an Asian player-base world-wide. No matter how many people here complain about the game being pay2win, they play the game because it is that way, just look through the gaming history of for example China or South Korea and check which type of games that have been played the most trough the years. It isn't games that are purely made for E-sports. Almost all games that are popular there are heavy on the buy-stuff-that-helps-you-ingame. Therefor it would be rather moronic for a company that likes to make money (and makes money through micro-transactions), to shift to a game that only sells skins, so I think the dream of no VVIPs and other stuff is total BS and speculation. Why would a company torpedo itself? Then also remember that just because if CF becomes more centered to E-sports, it does not mean that such things would disappear from the game, only from the Ranked Modes (Which today already have armsdeal mode) and the real competitions (Which doesn't allow such things already). So the things they need to change for it to become more E-sports ready, is stability and better anti-hack.
Remember any news about this that we don't get from the company itself (Not through the mouths of friends) is only speculation and hearsay. So the truth is that we no nothing. Nothing is set in stone yet.
On a personal note, I too care nothing of graphics, the only thing I'm really looking forward to, is stability for newer (and old) gaming rigs. As I play many games from the early 90s, graphics has always been one of the least important things to me.
I still say, if there is no transfer of stuff, I my self will give up on gaming CF and I won't be the only one.
CF Is turning into a franchised league like CSGO and overwatch according to the link above so yes i believe they want to push the game as a true legitimate ESPORTS title..
It has been announced that it will have skins like CSGO and ditch the pay to win aspect of the game to attract the west..
As a matter of fact i believe the new cf will create biggest upset in the fps genre..
CSGO is popular because of its competitiveness and Tencent and smilegate realized their mistake and made a remake
And if you want to still play this game it's your call. But i don't think it's really fun to destroy kids who dont know how to play the game with your vip char and m4... I have a trouble finding s&d rooms other than eagle eye with actually experienced players. A game with noobs is boring and new CF is hopefully changing that
the fact that you want a p2w game is hilarious btw.. CF is already more casual than other FPS with its easy gun and movement mechanics..
I don't want to be toxic but people with vips are the ones who destroyed the game.. Complaining because a guy 1 tapped them with an AK and They have vip.. Like vips are supposed to give them aim.. -
CF Is turning into a franchised league like CSGO and overwatch according to the link above so yes i believe they want to push the game as a true legitimate ESPORTS title..
It has been announced that it will have skins like CSGO and ditch the pay to win aspect of the game to attract the west..
As a matter of fact i believe the new cf will create biggest upset in the fps genre..
CSGO is popular because of its competitiveness and Tencent and smilegate realized their mistake and made a remake
And if you want to still play this game it's your call. But i don't think it's really fun to destroy kids who dont know how to play the game with your vip char and m4... I have a trouble finding s&d rooms other than eagle eye with actually experienced players. A game with noobs is boring and new CF is hopefully changing that
the fact that you want a p2w game is hilarious btw.. CF is already more casual than other FPS with its easy gun and movement mechanics..
I don't want to be toxic but people with vips are the ones who destroyed the game.. Complaining because a guy 1 tapped them with an AK and They have vip.. Like vips are supposed to give them aim..
1. I don't own any VIP
2. I never say that I wanted the game to be p2w, the things I am saying is that It is stupid for a gaming-company that has an mostly Asian player base to take away their main income. As THEY are the ones that have preferred P2W gaming since MMO became a thing, compared to Europe or the Americas. Otherwise they would probably already be playing CS, COD or some other games. We here is but a very small part of the player-base. They might attract 10-20% more players in this part of the world, getting a couple of thousand more players here. But they would loose millions of players In Asia, that will jump on some other game that has the P2W criteria, probably a free to play MMO-RPG. And to make a non P2W game money, you'll probably have to have some kind of monthly fee, which means that they can't still let CF be a free to play game, they will lose to much cash on it.
3. It doesn't say anywhere in that article that they are going to take away anything in a new game. It does say that there is going to be a CF franchised league. Correct me if I am wrong as I only play CF to relax often doing something else at the same time, but doesn't the CF leagues (or competitions) that already exist, have special gear that you have to use during competition e.g. you cannot use your own stuff in the competitions. So it basically says that they are going to put more money into the elite part of CF play-base.
4. All information out is still hearsay, as they (Smile-Gate) still have said nothing about how they are going to run the new game.
5. I choose to start playing crossfire of 2 reasons. The first is that it's free, I want to have the choice to pay, not be forced to do it. The second is the collecting of different weapons (skins are fine, but not enough). When I play a single player game (that has the ability) I am the kind of player who installs large mod-packs with weapons I can collect and display in game to no one other than my self. I play lots of other games too, but i get easily bored and sometimes wont even finish a game, because it became boring. I am also one of those players that will finish every quest in a RPG game no matter how hard or repetitive it is. As CF is a FPS and the only real mission is to kill and kill again, the weapon collecting is what makes me keep on playing this game. Killing someone the same-way with the same (or almost the same) weapon is boring, no matter how bad or how good your opponent is.JackPain (Sweden)
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