there are countless maps that noone ever plays so here's an idea

lets say every hour one map would become a "hot map", meaning if you play, lets say 30 minutes on this hot map, you get a random zp crate. this would give all modes and maps some popularity even if for just an hour



  • If this is a permanent thing than - 1 because of all those bot accounts just farming crates.

    Make this an event like they already do with dead gamemodes and it's a +1 from me.
  • Andemi wrote: »
    began to thought push!!!!!!!!!!!!!The first-buy gm lenses(can be they them will help them to see cheaters(especially high rank)) the Second-observe channels(Yes they simply sit).Third-change the filing system complaints (players do not have the ability to apply for cheaters in many modes) (YES GM?????????) fourth(most that surprises) - you accept (REPLAY) only in the format!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!! NOT REALLY, video evidence is no longer considered ???? (could and create patrol, or channel on youtube) looking at your incompetence you wonder:For what you receive money ????I still can give many examples!!!!But so as administration simply ignores!!!.............

    What has that to do about this thread?


    I say the same as [USER="26495658"]Frmtkk[/USER] , as an event yes, as a permanent feature no. It's to easily misused by idiots. If they want to do something more permanent, double XP&GP on that hot map instead, people would play it and it has less impact on the game, even if people farm.
    JackPain (Sweden)