Aurora Character

I will simply suggest/ask that if Aurora char can be bought via zp with a different costume or same maybe. since not everyone is interested in playing zombie mode. And yes i am aware it will be much easier but to make it fair you can double the zp and make it 16k or something like that right ? Im sure people like me still would buy it !


  • +1 I would like to be able to buy the slaughter ticket chars too, but i don't think they will just let you buy them for double ZP. With the win % of the slaughter tickets (Even less as few will use them at the same time) They might actually be the rarest characters you can get, the same with the weapons. In about 100 tickets I have gotten nothing here at West. In EU you at least had a chance.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • Yeah unfortunately I have tried many times as well and got nothing. It is a waste to see such a good char and not be able to get it..
  • Nahh, it should definetly stay the way it is right now, some items can only be obtained in a certain way and it shoud stay that way. if you want it to be sold for ZP you're only stimulating the p2w image CrossFire has. what's next? 2.00 K/D ticket for 10k zp? cmon man
  • TrojkaWolf wrote: »
    Nahh, it should definetly stay the way it is right now, some items can only be obtained in a certain way and it shoud stay that way. if you want it to be sold for ZP you're only stimulating the p2w image CrossFire has. what's next? 2.00 K/D ticket for 10k zp? cmon man

    K/D as many of us players have discussed in recent weeks, is totally meaningless.
    1. It can be farmed easily.
    2. There are VVIP weapons that can save or discard your kills = just forget about bad ratio
    3. You can buy a reset.

    As it is now, the only thing you can measure a players skill with, is to play with him/her. Even then it's no absolute. Even the best players have bad days or days when they just goof off. In team-based matches like S&D it also depends on the skill level on your team, the team dynamic and which map they play on. Maybe the only way is to check out live championship matches, but then again, there are probably super good players that don't compete.

    So even if it takes some time a total noob can get 2.00 K/D for free by farming. No need for a 2.00 K/D ticket for 10k ZP.
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • TrojkaWolf wrote: »
    if you want it to be sold for ZP you're only stimulating the p2w image CrossFire has.

    does it look like a pay to win to you ? having a char with zp ? I dont really need any effects that comes with the chars if this is what you mean tbh, if i did care it could be defined as p2w
  • Painanator wrote: »

    K/D as many of us players have discussed in recent weeks, is totally meaningless.
    1. It can be farmed easily.
    2. There are VVIP weapons that can save or discard your kills = just forget about bad ratio
    3. You can buy a reset.

    As it is now, the only thing you can measure a players skill with, is to play with him/her. Even then it's no absolute. Even the best players have bad days or days when they just goof off. In team-based matches like S&D it also depends on the skill level on your team, the team dynamic and which map they play on. Maybe the only way is to check out live championship matches, but then again, there are probably super good players that don't compete.

    So even if it takes some time a total noob can get 2.00 K/D for free by farming. No need for a 2.00 K/D ticket for 10k ZP.

    Yeah these are good points already so i dont need to say anything
  • Painanator wrote: »

    K/D as many of us players have discussed in recent weeks, is totally meaningless.
    1. It can be farmed easily.
    2. There are VVIP weapons that can save or discard your kills = just forget about bad ratio
    3. You can buy a reset.

    As it is now, the only thing you can measure a players skill with, is to play with him/her. Even then it's no absolute. Even the best players have bad days or days when they just goof off. In team-based matches like S&D it also depends on the skill level on your team, the team dynamic and which map they play on. Maybe the only way is to check out live championship matches, but then again, there are probably super good players that don't compete.

    So even if it takes some time a total noob can get 2.00 K/D for free by farming. No need for a 2.00 K/D ticket for 10k ZP.

    The think about the KD item ticket was just an example of what i meant. It might've been a bad example.

    Anyway, what i meant.. is that certain things should stay in a certain way in terms of being able to achieve the certain item.

    If we start with one item we might as well put all items in to the store and stop the events. (Oh wait that's what a private server looks like.)

    I would really like to have the AK47 pure silver permanent which is not available right now at the moment.. shall i also open a thread wanting it to get in to the store? *derp*
  • tbh it is a hard step to take as it is already in ZM tickets you can get it permanent from this ticket 30 ticket with 27K zp
  • what if they just released a character with same skills? like la swat has the same skill as jtf. if you play zm enough you get aurora for a long time anyway.
  • unlucky bro I got this char in 1 ticket as monthly reward.. I dont need it but cant send it to u