Ranked Win Ratio.

Hi i have an suggestion as i know there is no reward or more points for example if u have positive win ratio in ranked so if someone has negative win ratio with someone with positive they are getting the same points... is that fair?


  • Sorry but I've got to disagree here mate. Given the current state of ranked cheaters, win ratio sort of depends on luck, How? Hear me out, the more you play ranked the more cheaters you face, and there are times that the cheaters are literally going full-aimbot under map because the support is closed on the weekends so they just go for it. This would just be more unjust than it currently is.
    Plus, it's already based on your match performance and variation of ranks in the match, so yes, it's fine as it is.
  • With the different kind of lags that exist in ranked, both ping-based and FPS-based (for example, in some games your damage almost don't register at all). All the cheaters that exist in ranked, both those who play for rank or the dummy account's that are used to boost other players. + The uncertainty of your team, ranked is as fair as it could be right now I think. Positive & Negative win ratio, should not be taken into account, as it is to easy to manipulate at the moment. (and probably forever)
    JackPain (Sweden)
  • well i cant do nothing about hakers i can only report them.... im speaking about legit pro players with positive winratio. To be honest this game anti cheat is not my problem im not the owner of this game.