Failed to download version.ini
Default Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Z8Games\CrossFire
version.ini if you sort by type it'll show as Configuration settings
if you didn't find the version.ini then do the following
1) make a text document on your desktop and open it
2) copy & paste this into it[COLOR=red][VERSION] LatestVersion = 1345 MinimalVersion= 1164 OwnVersion = 21 [DOWNLOAD] server1 = [URL][/URL] [SERVER] COUNT = 1 IP1 = PORT1 =13008 [HGW] PORT=16666 SERVER1= SERVER2= POD1=50 POD2=50[/COLOR]
3) click file - save as
4) click on Save as type: Text Documents (*.txt)
5) change it to: All Files (*.*)
6) now put File name: version.ini
7) click save
8) now you can drag and drop it into your cf folder
if you're still having version.ini issues while patching do the following
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