About coupons permanent rewards and Ak 47- Gold

Hello to all Crossfire community and GM's and developers of this beautiful game. I've been playing this game for almost ten years. I was 12 when I started and 22 now. As all old crossfire players know first years in crossfire most wanted and desired weapons were M4 GOLD and AK 47 GOLD (Both old ones not ultimate gold or etc etc.). They could only obtainable if you have 150 coupon. I've always wanted to get AK 47 Gold and saving my coupons for it. All I want in this game is PLEASE BRING BACK AK 47 GOLD again. It was my dream gun even there are much better guns like vips. Please GM's and Developer's I beg u to bring back that beautiful gun and make most of old players(that still didn't get it) dream come true. BTW crossfire's coupon rewards haven't get an update for loooong time. I think its time to update it.

Please upvote this if you still didn't get and want the Ak Gold and M4 Gold