Game crashes when flashed

Happened 4 times today, within 1 hour. Every time my screen was completely white from a flashbang, makes the game unplayable pretty much. Pls fix


  • 1. What is your hardware configuration ? - there are some settings for some GPU's that need to be changed (i must search for that - not remember right now)

    2. What is your desktop rezolution and game rezolution ?

    Got a gtx 1080 and an i7 8700K, both overclocked but perfectly stable. Resolution is 1024 × 768 on a 1440p monitor.

    But I never had this issue before so I'd say it's gotta be something new with the last update, seems like everytime I return they give me a new reason to leave for a few weeks, first TMP's for all, then tons of cheaters and now this..
  • So it's been 3 weeks and the game still is unplayable for a good chunk of the playerbase, yet no word has been said about it by the gm's. CF is love
  • Delete dts audio seems to fix the flash / crash error. Make use of the nvidia audio drivers.
  • Delete dts audio seems to fix the flash / crash error. Make use of the nvidia audio drivers.

    I don't have that. Never even heard of it before to be honest, definitely isn't the source of the problem.
  • :confused: This is the problem ! My headphones on my monitor, the games do not crash (Monitor with Nvidia driver). When I go back to the back of my computer (realteck drivers) the game Crash. I say that to help, if you have better, go.
  • I earn nothing by giving you the solution. courtesy.
  • first I would check your nvidia control pannel settings and disable DSR :
    check fist option in the available options to disable-it.
  • pushmymush wrote: »
    first I would check your nvidia control pannel settings and disable DSR :
    check fist option in the available options to disable-it.

    DSR has nothing to do with it, the game doesn't even support anything higher than FHD so what's the deal? I never even had it enabled.

    Anyways, for everyone still not able to play the game, after 1 full month of gm's not giving a damn, today I was told in an answer to my support ticket that they forwarded my information and blablabla. Basically, they told me they didn't see any of these threads or automated error reports sent by the client. They had no clue so most certainly there's not gonna be a fix any time soon. Good stuff.
  • did u guys eventually found a fix for this issue?
    it seems im having the same problem
  • Nah they never fixed it.
    The Z8 support just told "wE fOrWaRdEd iT" and refused to give any help or assistance.

    "We would like to thank you for reporting this issue. We have forwarded all the information to our developers and they will start an investigation. While we cannot estimate when the issue will be completely resolved, we certainly hope it will be resolved soon."

    Answer after sending a second ticket a month later:

    "While we appreciate your concern and feedback, a response pertaining to your issue has already been provided to you.
    Please refer to all previous responses, as a resolution or final answer has already been stated."

    All you can do is stop financially supporting those who run the game or are supposed to resolve issues, I for one spent thousands of euros and don't even get the slightest bit of help about a game breaking problem that prevents loads of people from properly playing, I guess I get banned for talking negatively about them before they eventually resolve it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯