[German] SID3STEP is searching for new Members!


Clan Summary
Moin, Moin,
we are a German Clan looking for Members.
Most of the time we are playing ranked or public,
sometimes we are also doing some scrims.
We take the game in terms of ranked and scrims very seriously.
Of course, fun is also on our List.

Clan Requirements
- You have to be German
- You have to be active
- You need TeamSpeak
- Of course you should also have a bit of skill

Clan Rules
- Be friendly
- Be respectful
- For ranked or clan wars its recomended to use the TS3
- You must be at least 16 years old

Clan Application
If you meet the above requirements come on our Teamspeak or just
write me a Ingame Message.
Teamspeak: On demand
My IGN: S3.Ducy


