Cfs na
Hello, So apparently CF admins have been telling us that CFS teams are on a first come first serve terms ,however; no where does it say that on the rule set for CFS like im not trying to start any problems and i get that you got an uneven amount of teams but like you can just give a team by first round and everything will be solved. I get this probably a little late for this since this is supposed to be the last CFS but like some thing like this should really be mentioned some where in the rule set so that teams would know because my team signed up a day before registration closed not knowing that was the case and ,therefore, we weren't accepted and everyone was bummed out since we wanted to play Crossfire's last tournament but if the admins can do anything to help will be appreciated.
Thank you for your feedback! We will keep this in consideration moving forward. However, there are indeed limited slots, as we need to get this kind of thing done rather than wait for 80 no-show teams or 90 renditions of "Just wait my 5th is on his way home from work right now", or a tournament that lasts 7 days because everyones matches took super long and we have to get through 100 teams. That being said, we will consider this for the future, so thank you!
[QUOTE=[GM]Kanadian;n6910291]Thank you for your feedback! We will keep this in consideration moving forward. However, there are indeed limited slots, as we need to get this kind of thing done rather than wait for 80 no-show teams or 90 renditions of "Just wait my 5th is on his way home from work right now", or a tournament that lasts 7 days because everyones matches took super long and we have to get through 100 teams. That being said, we will consider this for the future, so thank you![/QUOTE]
Limited spots? Then how come cfs EU got 12 teams and not only 8 and like there are teams such as mine who actually practiced and prepared for as you can see my team which is yakuza did make it to elite although we got last place but we still had close matches and like all u guys have to do is give a team a bye first round for example carbon they’ve been dominated in na for a while give them a bye first round and let us take first round instead. This is the last cfs so considering this for the future isn’t gonna do anything.
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