
I figured we might actually get something out of this thread, so here it goes.

My suggestions for a better CF experience:
1. Update the anti-cheat with each patch.
2. Add the possibility to delete/remove/sell duplicate guns.
3. A 3 month cycle for the 150 coupon weapons.
4. Add the possibility to earn at least 1 ribbon once a month.
5. Create events that will bring back the unplayed modes/maps.
6. The win rate at the black market should be increased dramatically .
7. The ability to sell permanent duplicate GP guns won from the black market for 10 coupons (the amount of coupons is suggestive).
8. Trade guns between accounts.
9. Add other guns that can be upgraded (just like the M4 Royal Guard).
10.Add GP guns more often.

These are my thoughts about 10 things that could improve our experience while playing. What do you think.


  • Well, most of them were suggested before, also i agree with all of them but i think none have chance to become reality.Also i would appreciate very much even if just the first one would come true.
  • +1 I agree with all

    There are so many things to improve on this game...the game is fine.but still so much to do with it problems and future.

    But from experience and from knowing how the things with these days GM's works ,just by look at their continually events in the last years;they want us on one hand play 24/7 and from the other hand (at the same time)buy tons of zp's every day ..and with all of that thing have been done when it comes to "to do something good for their players"(like change coupons every 3 month/increase bm win rate to be same as 2010/do something about hackers etc.) by noting these points I assume they/we will keep with the devastating cycle of "go no life into the game + milk every possible penny from 13 y/o" and no thing to expect to be done in the favor to the players.
  • + 1
    also note that they have no control over when the anticheat patches. also they are doing something against the cheating situation, lot better than 2009-2018. they also have discord server and by reaching level 10 in it you can apply to get a captain role and then you'll have access to live hacking report where you can report cheaters live.
  • Agree.
    This game still have "decent" player base in europe (even most of them are arabs). Dont let it die..Just take a look at asia cf''s so much different..
  • coocolino wrote: »
    I figured we might actually get something out of this thread, so here it goes.

    My suggestions for a better CF experience:
    1. Update the anti-cheat with each patch.
    2. Add the possibility to delete/remove/sell duplicate guns.
    3. A 3 month cycle for the 150 coupon weapons.
    4. Add the possibility to earn at least 1 ribbon once a month.
    5. Create events that will bring back the unplayed modes/maps.
    6. The win rate at the black market should be increased dramatically .
    7. The ability to sell permanent duplicate GP guns won from the black market for 10 coupons (the amount of coupons is suggestive).
    8. Trade guns between accounts.
    9. Add other guns that can be upgraded (just like the M4 Royal Guard).
    10.Add GP guns more often.

    These are my thoughts about 10 things that could improve our experience while playing. What do you think.

    So i'm going to hit each point here with my opinion and/or reasons why it's not quite as simple as one might think.

    1- While they (in this case They will be both Z8 and the Devs as i'm willing to bet this is something they both need to be involved with) can implement anti-cheat systems such as X-Trap in the past and now Xign they don't update them. They can send out their personal data to the anti-cheat developers of course in hopes that the anti-cheat devs can quickly patch up and resolve any issues when they occur. But they can't assure it will get patched with each CF update or anything of that likes. In that regard as well the hacking situation in CF is an endless cycle due to game being an older game on an even older engine/client. No matter how fast the Anti-cheat system gets updated it's likely new hacks will just pop up to fill the void when the old ones are no longer viable.
    Though it would be nice to see it work the way we'd like to believe it could.

    2-Absolutely here.

    3- 3 month cycle might be a little too fast. For non-ZP buyers they might not be able to redeem all the weapons within that time especially if they can't make every event. But also because we'd quickly run out of viable weapons for them to put up. If they went this route we'd end up with something like the MP mall were we see the same characters that have already been released come back time and time again.
    To add to this though. I believe they can't just toss in whatever at will. Since this is a weapon release system they likely have to have it Okay'd by the Devs as well. I don't foresee the Devs doing such honestly.
    Perhaps a 6 month period would be more likely with at least 1 special set released each year like the Hornet in addition to the 6 month change up would be more fitting for them.

    4-Can't argue here. It'd be nice to see limited time ribbons popping up each month. Especially if they are new ones all together.

    5-They actually sometimes do this already. Problem is...a lot of the unplayed modes/maps are unplayed for a reason. Albeit there's plenty of S&D, TDM, FFA, and so on maps that deserve more attention than they typically get from our community....some modes are just quite honestly not good. Though each unpopular mode does of course have it's own group of people that like it. I'll use wave as an example here....most people don't like Wave because A)it takes way too long B)on the rare times anyone sees a Wave room anymore there's 2 possibilities on what you'll find....1] it's locked and only wave mode players are in it or 2] it's got high level, maxed out card wave players on one side with a full team and like 3 low levels with level 1 cards who've never played the mode before. The only other time is the random event where it occassionally upsets this balance but usually then it's just people begrudgingly joining the mode so they can get this event done. See the event that just ended (The Forgotten Ones).

    6- Don't think too many players will argue it needs increased. However, you may get some disagreement on how much it needs increased. On one hand a lot of people believe you should win within 50 crates...on the other hand there's lots of people who like the idea of 'rare'. Some may argue the idea of 'if win rates are high then Z8 won't make any money'. And while that's true to some degree....they could likely also make more money if they increased the winrates and got the player base confidence up in the system a little bit and thus it'd be like teasing them. A perfect example of how that is in real life is....Fishing. If you take a kid fishing for the first time and they don't catch anything...they likely won't like fishing due to bad experience....but if they catch a fish quickly they'll likely learn to enjoy fishing and then continue to do so even on the days they fail to catch anything later on in life.

    7-I'll agree with this idea. GP Black Market weapons should be sellable and I think an amount of coupons is an alright idea for what they'd sell for. I even think the 10 quantity is decent. As if you think about it with the older GP Crates that give coupons. You could spin 100-2000 or even more before winning the perm weapon and in those crates you don't win from in total you might get some coupons but not THAT many from GP crates and in the newer GP crates you don't get any coupons. So 10 coupons seems reasonable to me for how much GP it takes to win a GP crate weapon sometimes.

    8- I'm a Yes and a No on this. I'm all for the idea of having a trade market that includes ALL weapons....however, we run into a problems when we get into the logistics and how such a system could be abused to the point of making the BM near worthless on a business point of view. Primarily being that if there are no restrictions on how trades can go down or restricting players to 1 account....then one could just create tons of alt accounts, farm events to get crates/EP and so on, then if they win anything they can just trade those from alts to main to boost a single main account. Thus eliminating their need to buy ZP for BM weapons. Unfortunately, if such a system were to get put into place....the majority of players wouldn't like it as it'd be quite restrictive most likely.

    9- Another easy agree here. now that such a system is in our version. We need more of these weapons especially before people buy massive stacks of the Upgrade Kits (assuming future up-gradable weapons will use the same kits...) and thus be able to just upgrade these weapons on Day 1 of their release. It should be something to (kind of) work towards to upgrade such things IMO.

    10- Again won't disagree here. Would love to see more GP crate weapons and there's plenty of potential options here.