
Soo... for what are the META-Server, when the egy´s play always on EU server?
There should be an egy ban on EU server.


  • It's MENA not META .
    ban egy from EU server ? Joke ;)
    There is 2 problems make MENA servers empty .
    1- the servers still crashing and most egy can't play .
    2- egy got board all day coz they play with egy . ( The main reason )

    They got good lag there ( 25-40 ) but some egy players got personal reasons make them stay away from the servers.
  • Game would be boring without egyptians
    The ping difference isnt that big an issue for me as im closer to 100 than 10 + theyre actually very friendly and fun people to play with if you get past the minority of k0s*** kids and tmpers
    So i personally hope they stay in uk servers
    Love my egys bros <3